
I don’t use the word hate lightly. I also try to remember that most people aren’t good or bad, everyone has some humanity, etc, etc.


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Doesn’t take too many to make a big fucking impact. That “Us vs. Them” mentality that reframed torture isn’t just for brown people.

Because I have no interest in amending the second amendment. People in this country clearly prefer to own guns. That’s ok. I’m capable of seeing reality and acknowledging that I’m in the minority on a particular issue. All I want to see, in the end, are reasonable restrictions on that right that protect the immediate

Beautiful points all the way down. I think it is very important to distinguish the people who have a strong ideological stance, even the ones you may disagree with from assholes, who don’t really have a stance.

Although I agree everyone is their own person and has a right to their own opinions, you cannot ignore the fact that it does reflect poorly upon one’s spouse to act out like that. It invites criticism, warranted or not. And honestly, it’s kind of disrespectful to the other spouse to say things in public that they

Don’t hate conservatives. This country has functioned beautifully for hundreds of years based on the opposition of intelligent, well-intentioned people of differing opinions. I’m not a conservative, not by a long stretch. However, there are many smart, engaged, well-meaning conservatives of strong principles and

Gone the way of the third? What do you mean? Why, just the other day a platoon came a-marchin’ down my street demanding quarter, and I said “Nay, ’tis peacetime! Begone, you rogues!” And I unfurled the mighty constitution from my breeches, bandied it about and brandished my musket verily.

I posted this comment last night about the sad death of British Member of Parliament Jo Cox, who was murdered on Thursday by a guy who apparently disagreed with her stance on Brexit. I’m going to repeat it because I think it speaks directly to this alopecian Skeletor of a man:

You also have to apply for a permit to have a rally.

The first amendment didn’t kill anybody either, but you’re still not allowed to yell fire in a crowded fucking theater.