
If they really want someone who won’t run after getting hit Chris Johnson’s available.

Gronk has a bus and driver specifically to NOT be in this situation. It’s really not hard to have someone drive you. Gronk may not be smart but he’s not this stupid.

Learn to read. There was naunce of “I don’t agree with it but I don’t think it’s violent” in my posts. You just refuse to acknowledge that because god forbid someone disagrees with your wrong assertion that a haircut is violent.

It’s not at all hard when people disagree with me if they’re at all reasonable. You didn’t say abuse (you could def argue there was emotional abuse,) you said “violent” and said there was pain during a haircut which is outright wrong.

THERE WAS NO PHYSICAL HARM. SHE GOT HER HAIR CUT. I’m not using my experience to call it painless; I’m using science because CUTTING HAIR DOESN’T LEAD TO PAIN. It’s like talking to a wall. i really hope you’re not this miserable in real life.

LOL you think that disobeying your parents repeatedly and drinking/doing drugs AT THIRTEEN is okay and should be looked the other way on. I don’t agree with it but it’s not violent.

Oh ya? Is that why he hasn’t been charged yet? There’s video proof that that’s what he did so if that’s so clear why isn’t he in cuffs?

There is VIDEO of the aftermath and that didn’t happen to her. Anything else you’d liek to project on to this situation that’s blatantly false?

Let’s look at your statement and let me prove to you how you’re a fucking idiot

You’ve proven you’re a fucking idiot. A haircut is sexualized??? You’re a crazy person.

No shit but you can’t non-violently rape someone or hit them with a bat. This was a fucking haircut. You’re going to compare it to smashing with a baseball bat or rape?!? GTFOH

You are putting the action alone without context. She violated rules she was warned on “a lot” and was punished. I don’t agree with the punishment but it’s not fucking abuse.

There is no pain; that’s why it’s not. I know this because I don’t bleed when I get a haircut or have to be hospitalized every time I shave.

I mean ya, he may’ve been drunk, but in context that rant is harmless. The way it’s been twisted over the years is a joke.

He cut her hair not her throat. Violence to me is actual physical harm but that doesn’t rise to that. Not saying it’s ideal parenting but that is not violent.

This is the same as hitting a child.

The humming one

You realize that reasoning can be flipped to your opinions too, right?

It’s not bullying; it’s discipline. She even admitted she was warned “a lot”

Cutting her hair against her will is a form of domestic violence.