You're right about the fact she had to have that "Hey look at me again!" moment but she was a victim of sexual harassment.
You're right about the fact she had to have that "Hey look at me again!" moment but she was a victim of sexual harassment.
...or people who don't want to eat it plain and don't have relish, mustard, or hot sauce
Agreed. It's just like bad beers. I'd prefer to avoid it but it still gets the job done in the absence of other options. No reason to be a martyr over something so silly
Ya, hot sauce is fine but ketchup and eggs is awful to me and adding it to the whole sandwich is a whole 'nother level of weird IMO. Was actually going to say I could make do with hot sauce instead of ketchup on the dog but it's too dry as-is. I need something.
I'm not huge on Dale's but it's light years better than a normal (read: not Torpedo which is excellent) Sierra Nevada
eh, don't be that guy. If I'm unhappy with the beer selections, I'll get liquor or wine. If they don't have that, I'll make due with whatever mainstream light beer they have. As long as I'm not paying for it, I don't care and if I am stuck paying then there are almost always other options.
1. BL
Says the guy commenting about how he is superior for not doing that
I'm a mustard and relish guy personally but ketchup is perfectly fine on dogs if you must. I've been more than happy with that on my dogs when I've been to cook-outs that aren't properly stacked with better condiments.
Ketchup is okay at best for anything other than fries and Yuengling is over-rated. Nothing wrong with either but his stance on both is well-known, referenced continually in a self-deprecating manner, and pretty well-rounded compared to some people with their "ketchup is for idiotic children" routines. Get over…
this is so stupid. I can't look away
I bet you're a real treat to spend time with
/Goes to make Giants being trash joke
Is that really surprising though? After last year's situation and how surprised he seemed to have been I have zero faith in that guy to understand the scope of anything going on. Is there any doubt in anyone's mind that a good coach would have caught wind of it and squashed that before it became an…
My thoughts exactly
I say do it for Thursday. There's TNF, it's almost the weekend but not quite, and gives us a chance to decide what we're going to drink that night/weekend.
I don't care about this game either way beyond it being two good teams and entertaining as hell but I give that kid all of the credit. If a flag like that had been thrown on me at such a huge part of the game I would have LOST IT on the ref. We're not here to see you. I get it if it's 7 guys dancing or something…
I agree whole-heartedly but as a Pats fan that lives here I can tell you that the trading out of the first round many years and almost never targeting major FAs (name one beyond Revis or Adalius Thomas, you can't) has finally added up.
That's just not true. Peyton has always had Marvin Harrison and they eventually added Wayne, Garcon, and Dallas Clark to that in addition to Edge.
It's easy to forget they had the lead in the last few minutes of two other Super Bowls too. It's also easy to forget that had Hernandez not gone all Dexter and Gronk not broken down that we would still be fine. But yes, all of the trading down and going for B+ guys in free agency is finally starting to catch up.