
With all the bad shit we're seeing lately this hits the feels pretty hard this morning. That guy's a hero and his "other people would have done it" modesty kind of makes me like him more because while we all like to think we'd do that, I don't know that I'd have the balls to run towards that explosion waiting to

That's a professional there. Erin Andrews would have just asked him bad questions.

"Wait, Pam Oliver's what?"

Oh stop it. There are plenty of good cops. I know a bunch of them. The issues is that even if it's 1 out of 10 that are scum (not a bad estimate and I know a few of them too - lots of cops in the family) that's still a huge chunk and you're right, that job does attract some bad eggs too who want to take their

This kind of made my morning

Oh, so their struggle for civil rights is over? They have the right to marry in every state? No? Then fuck off until that happens.

"Wait, why are we still at a point where this really is news?"

Dude get fucked. I have parents that would accept me regardless, judging by your response you do too. If he grew up in the Bible belt or with super conservative parents there's a very real fear your friends and family will disown you. That is how shit like this gets started and why a football player coming out is

I get why these are story worthy, at the same time until stops being story worthy being gay will be seen a something different and separate then "normal straight"

Ya, on one finger. Michael Sam. That's it; that's the list.

I'd say it's 50/50 that and the media swarm that will descend on you and go from player to player asking, "So the gay guy did/said _____, what do you think?" and wait for someone to say something that's even the slightest bit un-PC and go to everyone else asking about that and stir controversy. Clearly that's such a

No need. The rabbit-eared replies to my assertion that having an opinion and a penis makes me automatically wrong is kind of proving my point. I've said all I needed to. You're welcome to read it and actually try and get the point.

Stop it. He was a fucking terrorist. People all thought he'd be killed but he was hiding out in a boat slowly bleeding out and there were millions of people watching live on the news as he got caught. Remove the cameras and there wouldn't have been a Rolling Stone cover. Trust that.

Right and wrong. Your putter isn't, sure, but the mini-golf "putters" Drew speaks of are basically pipes with feet.

just read Magary's annual Panthers shitting-on and remembered Greg Hardy. Now that guy's a fucking monster.

That's awesome

You're a moron. His was actually nuanced and made some good points.

This is getting ridiculous. You mention Kellerman "battering" his future wife without mentioning she slapped him first which it says in the link. The Stephen A. thing is called "victim-shaming" here but ignores the fact his wife hit him first and was also arrested.

See, if that's all Janay had been doing you'd be right to demonize Ray as much as everyone has. Too bad the facts don't back that up unless the punchee got arrested too.
