There's a 0% chance the NBA Lottery is rigged at this point. They have an independent accounting firm (Ernst & Young) handle it independent of the league and have for well over a decade because they did blatantly rig the Ewing lottery.
There's a 0% chance the NBA Lottery is rigged at this point. They have an independent accounting firm (Ernst & Young) handle it independent of the league and have for well over a decade because they did blatantly rig the Ewing lottery.
Right but drunks typically police themselves well. Someone's getting punched or a "spilled" drink for doing that
THIS GUY. This guy gets a fastball to the temple.
Waiting until you get to the front of the line to figure out what you want to eat. What the hell were you doing that whole time? Bonus fuck yous to parents who want the whole world to stop while they have the "Jimmy, do you want a hamburger? They have hamburgers. And do you want fries with it? Ya? Ya, fries are…
I routinely do. I bought a crap car knowing it'd get dinged parking in the city anyway so now I treat it like bumper cars at the grocery store. I... I can't have nice things.
Here's my hang-up, ONLY the aftermath is on tape that the public's seen. The entire incident is on tape that both the police and NFL have seen it and not yet made pubic, both of whom have come down much lighter than expected on Rice.
The NFL headquarters is in NYC where it is not legal and it's still illegal federally so that is irrelevant even if we can all agree it should be legalized nationwide. Also, he didn't just get caught but actively tried to conspire to cheat the test (…)
No, you get 4 games for violating the drug policy of which that's one of many things on it. While I whole-heartedly disagree with it being categorized on the same level as cocaine and heroin, it is in this case and everyone knows that. You also get to fail one test and enter a program before any suspension is handed…
No, it's 12.5% of his annual compensation. Lose 12.5% of what you make in a year and tell me that's not a big deal. He obv makes a lot more than we do but he also assumedly spends a lot more so it will be felt.
OK, I want you to make a budget and then lose 12.5% of your income even if it is just until your tax refund comes (which is 9 months out.) It has an effect and the more you make the more you spend so let's not pretend he's just gonna be saving less during this timeframe.
2 games = 1/8 of the season = 12.5% of his annual salary That's not nothing
He's losing out on 1/8 of his annual pay. It's not as long as you may've hoped but to categorize it as a slap on the wrist isn't accurate either.
What a mature response
No, I just understand sometimes something is just something that happened and not a reason to be offended. Were the people doing stereotypical things and acting in an offensive manner? Doesn't seem like it or that probably would have been mentioned. Were they killing Asian people because the movie took place in…
Because you're looking for a reason to be offended?
That's how I took it too, but also remember that the police (who have since dropped charges) and the NFL (who levied a lesser punishment than expected) has seen a full video that's yet to be released. Based on their incredibly lenient punishments, it's fair to guess that she may have been hitting him first. Doesn't…
I was agreeing with you 100% on the local breweries' flagships then you listed the exceptions (Sam and Sierra Nevada) that were exactly what I was thinking of as perfect examples. Regular Sam sucks and both Bigfoot and Torpedo are light years better than regular Sierra Nevada.
I choose to find the good in things and not look for reasons to be offended unless they're readily available and prominent. This is neither but you're grasping for a reason to be offended and you've found one that's tenuous at best. Some people always want to be offended so by all means, go ahead. I'll be here,…
Didn't say it couldn't, but when you're supplying positive portrayals of two less-represented groups (women and African Americans) I'm going to find it a little bit harder to believe that than if this was yet another film starring 6 white guys. As another poster has recently enlightened me, the movie's set in Taiwan…
Well the initial quote that started the discussion was "Lucy spends about 40% of the film killing people of color" which I obv took to mean black people. I stand behind the Morgan Freeman thing. If your film stars a woman and a black guy, I'm going to then find it harder to believe you're racist towards a different…