
They use those in Afghanistan to watch the enemy (really they watch the marines in their positions) and I am currently in Arizona for training and one of the blimps (PGSS) is in the sky and all of us were like

Another difference, is when Zuckerberg gives out our private information. US Troops and employees aren't dying.

I think I would have cried in a corner if I had to watch Death reduced to that character. The actors performance as Death on Supernatural was nothing less than perfect. I really hope he picks up better roles than this bullshit.

I worked with EOD on my last deployment, and I will say, that they definitely do do what the fuck they want. These guys are beyond awesome,.

The federal government has asked publications not to publish stories before. It is not an order, it is a request. It is up to the publication to comply or not, as is their choice. They chose to do it, and good on them.

Pretty spot on. I just got back from afghanistan a month ago and that is essentially it. You leave freshfaced and excited, the amount of the disgustingness cakes itself to you because water bottle showers just dont cut it. If you saw some shit (like I did) you come back with a much harder look on your face. Sad to

The passion comes from knowing they made it with their hands and hard work. Whether they own one or not is irrelevant. They get the satisfaction of knowing that every Bentley they see on the road at one point took their skills to assemble and not just the skill of pushing a button on some Chinese machine to mold some

It has often been proven that people will usually do the morally right thing when given the option. For instance, some fisherman, put their catch in a freezer, and a cash box near by with prices and they found that usually the overwhelming majority with actually pay as opposed to just stealing the fish and leaving.

huh? this couldnt look farther from the PS3 look if it tried.

Bro, just stop. They have already proven you wrong 3 or 4 different times. This is simply faulty Apple hardware. It happens to everyone, including Apple. Especially when considering the number of iPhones they make. It is impossible not to have one or two iPhones that didn't come out right.

Marines don't fight for the Army, they fight for the Marine Corps. They have no association with the Army at all. They are also superior to the Army in their fighting ability.

Ummm, welcome to the 21st century? Did you miss that train or Gizmodo article?

it'll only be replaced by something similar, so why do you care? i guess it is cool to be apart of the "alternative" group, even though you arent even that edgy. I bet you even have a facebook account you used to or still am addicted too

It would be sad to see the end of the Zune line. I still have my Zune HD from 2 years ago and it still purs effortlessly. But, I notice they don't even try and promote the thing anymore, and it looks like they are just letting it slowly die by itself without my fanfare. I figure once the new media platform comes out,

I think one of the big differences is it isn't shoved in your face or forced. Nor is it a pane to use it, or costs anything to much money. Your not stuck looking at facebook if you don't want to, because you don't sign on to the internet through AOL.

@Saudrapsmann: still doesnt give a politician the right to tell me what to eat

i have igoogle as my homepage, but i still always use the built in firefox google bar by my url space.

@Lou Zucaro: well...you know...this is only the first episode. they usually set up the story and world in the first ep, and get to the bad guys down the line.

@Murkurial: i've nominated you. so now it is up to google to approve you.

i got a invite! lol i dont have anyone to wave with though :(