The super science was badass! The bath he was subjected to used CRISPR technology to splice his DNA with abalone, an organism which has evolved some of the strongest biological material known to man.
The super science was badass! The bath he was subjected to used CRISPR technology to splice his DNA with abalone, an organism which has evolved some of the strongest biological material known to man.
So, has it only lasted 60 years? Or has it lasted as long as we’ve been able to measure it and we don’t know how long ago it began?
Would you say it's his... Kryptonite?
Marvel needs to reconcile the inhumans and mutants as estranged relatives: Inhumans as Kree hybrids and mutants as their human descendants.
Cyborg possesses Apokalyptan motherbox technology and can boom tube himself and the entire league to any coordinates in the known universe. Cyborg brings HIGHLY advanced alien cybernetic enhancements to the table. Think of him as a cybernetic New God/human hybrid.
Not only are they beating Star Wars, but Avatar will also be beating the OG, Jurassic Park, by featuring living, genetically-spliced organisms engineered to resemble the alien lifeforms depicted in the Avatar films.
Just kidding. I actually agree with the analysis in this article.
Eat less *shit. Fixed it for you.
Totally agree that they should have built the storytelling momentum from BvS. Perhaps some incarnation of the Onslaught team could be after motherboxes, or they could have made Enchantress and her brother as Apokalyptan in origin.
What don’t you get about eugenics explicitly inferring that black people had more in common with homo erectus than modern man? What don’t you get that the very specific caricature of a black man as a sub-human caveman is rooted in eugenics?
GoT doesn’t stereotype its characters the way this manga has.
Actually, it totally does. But I really want to hear how a manga that embraces eugenics and features racists as protagonists exterminating racial caricatures isn’t racist.
“The last time someone influential had thoughts like that, tens of millions of Jews and Chinese were slaughtered en-masse.”
Agree with the sentiment of this post, but the animated series actually debuted around the time of the Burton movies, a considerably darker adaptation of Batman than its forebears. In fact, the animated series took design cues from Burton’s take on the batmobile, and Penguin’s appearance on the animated series…
I didn’t necessarily mean they would be ripping off star wars, I just meant it would be the closest movie analogue I could think of. If anything Naboo is a rip off Dinotopia, which is really supposed to be Atlantis anyway, and so it all comes full circle.
I really think they should keep the underwater action obscured and almost from a human’s point of view, to showcase just how different Atlanteans are from normal humans. Shadowy silhouettes, glowing eyes peering up from the depths, and then BAM! They move like torpedoes in the water you can barely tell are humanoid in…
Telepathy and/or sign language. And they will probably pull some Naboo shit where parts of Atlantis are domed or there are underwater caves with air pockets.
How is that an assumption? It’s canon that Joker killed Jason Todd. Snyder even mentions the Jason Todd storyline as inspiration behind the Robin suit as an Easter egg in BvS. What is going on over io9? Do you even nerd, bro?
Judging by the way they handled Klingon re-design, I wouldn’t be surprised if Krall ends up being a Cardassian. They ditched the parietal eye the Cardassians had on the shows in favor of a more reptilian appearance overall. Even the armor is similar. I can dig it.