Oh, the "carbs are evil" people. Yes, something that your body uses to maintain normal nervous system function is evil.
Oh, the "carbs are evil" people. Yes, something that your body uses to maintain normal nervous system function is evil.
As someone who says "fire Clarkson," in Hammond or May's shoes, I probably wouldn't do the show without him, either. I'd be on Clarkson to get his collective shit together, though.
I'd hate to see May and Hammond leave altogether. I also wish Clarkson had held himself back just a few more seconds. Just a few. I'm going to miss him being there, and likely, miss the team as a whole.
But shit, be as mad as you wanna be, but don't start hitting people. At least let it be over something worthwhile.
I'd love Sabine to be added to the team. She's got a sharp tongue and she's not at all afraid to swing first or swing back with verbal (and only) verbal jabs. I can't think of many potential replacements for Clarkson, and maybe BBC could beat her TG-Germany pay?
You hit someone, you're fired. I wish more people understood that. If I deck someone at my office, I expect to be 1.) arrested, and 2.) fired.
Reincarnation doesn't mean that Link #12 will be the same gender as Link #1. This is reincarnation, not resurrection. Even resurrection would be inaccurate as well since that's bringing the same individual back to life.
"Enemies didn't move until you were close. Upon entering a room, everything was deadly still until you disturbed it. The world felt static, largely by design."
That's one of the complaints I had about the series. I also figured that everything and everyone in those worlds is undead, and probably, not too aware of…
Yes, sadly.
Yes, yes our state did. Same thing with a lot of tech companies. Personally, I don't mind tossing subsidies at companies to attract them and bring up the cities that would benefit from their presence. If done right, businesses sprout up around them and everyone benefits.
Ugh, yes. Even before the bailouts, GM got a lot of money from various government-sources. But whatever, anyone who tells me they've gotten by without help from the government deserves a kick in the dick.
Oh, they're awesome. Texas cities are kicking at energy companies that are trying to set up facilities in city limits, very close to residential areas. Denton voted in a ban, and no surprise to anyone, the energy companies and their in-government cronies are trying to drop in bills that prevent localities from even…
Some Texan Republicans are lost. They'll sell you on "small government" then try to tell you your city can't place certain public safety laws. They'll try to tell you they're looking out for the free market while restricting direct auto sales.
"Protect free markets by putting in restrictions on how Texans can buy cars!"
It goes right along with,
Yup. Am I personally attracted to Schumer? No, but she's pretty damned funny. If I were a gay man, would I be attracted to Oswalt? No, but he's pretty damned funny.
It'd be one thing if we were casting roles for the "attractive friend" in a comedy movie, where looks and ability to be side-splitting hilarious were tied…
About that critic - Jefferey Wells - he can go eat a bag of baby dicks. If a comedian isn't funny to a critic, that's fair. But their looks shouldn't really have an influence on judgment. I mean, I think Ralphie May is a visual mess, but he's got his funny moments. Patton Oswalt looks like a DnD dwarf to me, but he's…
Yeah, white folks came up with cracker to take shots at other white folks.
They're the ones that are all, "But black folks sayin' nigga is unfair because white folks can't say it."
Depends on the setup. Mrs. Apogee, Ms. Apogee, and I are seeing each other, with Mrs. A and I being the primaries and dating us is a package deal. The setup works for us because Ms. A is attracted to us both, and the three of us are in our first poly relationship since we're kinda native mono folks anyway.
To the…
Depends on the person. I've seen some poly relationships just mask for one party being really unreliable or being piss poor in communicating what they want from a relationship. But hell, that kills mono relationships just as quickly.
Yes, thanks for this post.
The writer's choice of posing mono and poly relationships and why they're framed as such puts both in bad light.
For mono relationships, the problem isn't the model. I think the problem was how she looked at the model. It's like complaining about a car being wrong for you because you keep…