
To make sure they cover part of the gaming marketplace. There's a good part of the gaming population that doesn't move consoles until 12-18 months into their cycle. The assets are already in place, might as well knock back the hardware requirements —- though I know that the PS3 could handle the textures in the PS4/PC

I'm wondering why Bioware got lazy with the PC and PS3/360 versions of the game when it comes to texture optimizing. WTF, guys. Mass Effect 3 looked gorgeous, what happened with DA:I?

Waving a loaded gun around in a moving car...it's demanding, not asking, for something horrible to happen.

That's pretty fucked up. It really is. I get their motivation, but they're really going overboard, here.

The worst part about all of this, is that this wouldn't even be a discussion point if the STL area had its police forces in check and if the area learned to handle its socio-economic problems.

I'm not taking

This could be true, sadly.

I'm not bothered by being forced into sidequests. I like the idea of being forced to do some exploration of my gaming world - mainly because I'm an impatient gamer and I often need to be reminded I paid for an open world title and need to play accordingly.

And let me be clear, there won't be many groups I'd call under rules like this. In fact, I think that the KKK and those of its ilk are really it. Anything close is probably a terror or crime organization and well, they shouldn't be police officers, either.

It's a conflict of interest thing. If I'm part of a group whose entire objective is to subjugate an ethnic or racial group, then that conflicts with my job of protecting the local population as well as upholding the law.

It's just not compatible.

Normally, I'm like "free speech" and shit, but the problem is that when that speech is essentially about infringing on sacred rights of other people, I think that it falls under one of my favorite rules about rights.

Which is basically, "your rights are good up until the point they intrude on the rights of others."

Hearing some gripes from PC users about this sort of thing, not totally sold on getting the PC version even though Mrs. Apogee has the PS3 version. Mapping standard attack to R2 (without the option to change it) doesn't make sense - Dragon's Dogma has a very similar combat system, and the standard attack could be

None of these seem like even matchups. Maybe Kratos vs. Thor, in-his-prime Solid Snake vs. Captain America, and Ryu of Ninja Gaiden vs. Wolverine?

Still a fun video to watch, though.

More games need real consequences like that.

The front end has some really great notes of a killer sports car, but the rest of the car just doesn't measure up. Kinda sad, since I love the idea of hydrogen fueled cars.

If only Toyota followed up with the FT-HS. Now that, that's an alternative fuels car I would gladly drive.

You know what's funny?

This is probably the only way many of us will remember that Sears sells video games.

The accepted redesign stinks of lazy, and that's sad because some of the other candidates could've helped turn the franchise around, which I think it desperately needs.

I don't really dig the hate for millennials. Let me start by saying that we're now on the hook for at least 2 presidential administrations, the environment is now shifting to our shoulders, and eventually, so will the fate of capitalism and the form it takes in the future. We're shaping the idea of mainstream

Glad someone else mentioned one of the most glaring weaknesses in the open world game play of the Assassin's Creed series —- the collection quests.

These seem like tacked-on excuses to explore a gamespace, and in many cases, parts of a gamespace that lack a lot of interactivity to begin with, and Assassin's Creed and

I like AC:I but I wouldn't call it definitive...even if it is at this point. It should be Namco's side-gig for Ace Combat. It shouldn't be THE Ace Combat game.

But I have a feeling we're just stuck with this. *shrug*

I think the approach isn't too far from that of shooter games in WWII (used for a WWI game, of course). That approach is to take a sliver of that time period, a handful of key events and link the game to them. That's how some of the previous AC games worked - the games were framed in such a way that they occurred in

That '"hold X" to pay respects' nonsense is as bad as the QTE fist-pump at the end of Ace Combat: Assault Horizon.

I think QTEs have their place...and neither above situation is one of them. It's bad enough that the gestures mean something more than how they're treated (especially the funeral), and it's worse when the