Eh, unless the titans are scaled up in power level or the Marvel characters scaled down (or chosen so they don't have world-beater power), this sounds like a snoozefest where one side beats the other soundly.
Eh, unless the titans are scaled up in power level or the Marvel characters scaled down (or chosen so they don't have world-beater power), this sounds like a snoozefest where one side beats the other soundly.
Frightening for the man in it because of how serious the wound is, how likely it'll get infected, and it likely comes along with an ambush. Frightening for those around him because of the ambush and the fact that one of their own is really badly wounded.
Yeah, that's the thing about the B-52. A tank, a fighter, a gun, a soldier, you might be able to run or hide from those. But a B-52 and its payload —- even if you do manage to survive a bomb attack, good luck finding anything useful around you.
The lines about all the cool tech and that the gear is only used through specific parts of the game are turnoffs for me. I also know that's part-and-parcel to a CoD title. No roaming, just the corridor, just the script.
"The free market will fix it."
She's basically confirmed for us all that she is, in fact, a teenager. That being said, I always thought that if your life peaks at 17-18, your life is in need of a hand.
That's more or less where it came from.
A lot of games set you on a path to godhood. You start weak and then end up unstoppable in about 20 hours of gameplay. Far Cry 2 didn't do that. You got better, your gear got better, but a bad fall, stray set of bullets, or a slight miscalculation could get you killed. No matter what your gear was, you were never so…
Yes, this. You're supposed to feel vulnerable. You're supposed to feel like the country is out to get you. You're supposed to feel like the game is designed to hate you. Your job is to outsmart it and hate it back.
It's less an FPS than it is a first person survival/exploration game with heavy shooter elements.
I'd get my gear together, see where my objective is on a map and take a car, bus or boat, depending on what would get me nearby closest, fastest, and further from enemy contact (or a balance of all 3 factors). Then, I'd try to quietly make my way to the objective, start a fire, blow up things, create a…
Far Cry 2 was about choosing the right fight at the right time. That's why you had the malaria, weapon condition, time of day, and various approaches to fixed positions. So yeah, it's about avoiding combat, but it's about avoiding it until you got to the right time, position or supply situation to start a fight.
My main methods of travel were the buses (for long stretches) and the boats. I used the cars when I had to, where a river wouldn't go.
I don't know why people didn't get that was part of the simulation element. Generally speaking, the roads will be more heavily traveled and guarded. Rivers, not so much.
Well, the country is overrun by two factions of asshole militants with no real central command. I think it's fair that these d-bags will be driving around all willy-nilly to either take or keep ground.
Besides, that didn't really keep me from exploring. I just had to be smart about it. And the malaria element - that's…
And the Maginot Line of reproductive education in America gets another brick.
You know, they could actually dress it up for her. "Hey, here's this food we got catered for you since you can't go grocery shopping. Also, here are these streaming memberships from a variety of companies, plus this e-reader for the ebooks we got you. There's also some workout vids and basic resistance gear in that…
But, WWI would be interesting. Very little on that time period but lots of transitional power plays between 19th and 20th century superpowers and political regimes to tinker with.
WWII has been done before, but I'd figure an AC game in that period would be less about frontline conflicts and more about clandestine work. Maybe working in Vichy France, even working in Germany. Rather than direct combat, more like, handling things that keep direct combat working in a given direction.
I was hoping a WWII/WWI Assassin's Creed episode would be its own game. There's certainly enough going on in those two sections of history to warrant a game each.
It looks stupid as fuck. That's how it looks.
The fact that some asspained boy took to the interwebs to out a woman that did him wrong in a relationship - that's stupid.
The fact that some asspained boys took to the interwebs because someone was criticizing their games, and then doing so in hateful, vitriolic, violent…
Pretty much how The Boondocks handles the subject of The Nigga Moment: