
It might just be you.

I'm 32, married and I'm actually trying to keep the house clean. Not that Mrs. Apogee doesn't clean, but between full classes, full work and us having 3 pets and an active social life, I've got more time than she does.

Yes, this.

I've seen more than a few couples split because the husband couldn't pull his head out of his shitmachine. And personally, it makes me mad as hell. It's not minor stuff that did it, it's basic, fundamental, this-is-how-you-survive or this-is-how-you-dont-fuck-up a marriage stuff.

For one guy, I remember

It reminds me of the times I'm out with friends and off in the background is some fat dude bitching about how unattractive fat women are. All I can think is, "this man must not have a mirror at home."

It reminds me of the GOP. It desperately needed voters to garner support, so it brought in the far right and the evangelicals. Now the GOP can't rid of them and any semblance of being even remotely moderate or centrist is gone.

If Dreamworks made a Zelda animation, it'd be chock full of the sameface syndrome just about all American CG animation seems to have.

This is an 8-year story. It's also hilarious.

So I dated this woman (I'll call her H) during college for something like 2.5 years or so. I'm one of those guys who has more female than male friends - that's just how it is. Even if one or two were more attractive than H, I'm not gonna just stray. That's messed up.


See, freedom of religion still requires a neutral ground in public spaces. To get a neutral ground, you have to do one of two things:

1.) Equally represent all major religions represented in a given area, which risks showing favor to one or another.
2.) Represent none, and show no favortism (which is a truly neutral

Pander, pander, pander. That's how the GOP works. They think they're bringing on more voters, but I think they're scaring them off. The problem is that in Texas, picking a political party is more akin to picking a football team. It's less about policy and more about identifying with something, and that's pretty much

Thought this company was shutting down or burning itself down or being closed down or business-extending loans being turned down or otherwise just disappearing?

That shit confuses me as much as poor people voting GOP.

For the LGBTQ crowd, I think, "These people outwardly hate you. It's in their speeches, it's in their social media, it's in their proposed policy. Shit, they're warping religious statements as a half-assed excuse to fuck your life up."

And for poor people, I

At this point with Mrs. Apogee, I'd make it if she didn't have all that.

But then there's preferences - and then there's strong preference, and then there's fetishizing. I can live with being on the receiving end of the first two.

Ugh. I'm half-way turned off by women with strong and fetish-like preferences for Asian guys. I admit feeling a little good about it, like it would "improve my odds" but at the same time it's like, "but that's the only reason I'd be kept around."

GTA is good about brushing by gameplay elements. It's never been good at anything but narrative. Sleeping Dogs, Yakuza, and RDR are much better titles overall.

Grand Theft Auto IV in Hong Kong

Ugh, Sleeping Dogs is a far, far better title than GTA IV. Just about every single gaming mechanic is done better and bigger in Sleeping Dogs. GTA IV doesn't really hold a candle.

Now if only they can rethink that horrid badge...

He doth protest too much.

The energy companies poured something like $200,000 into the Denton fracking debate, trying really hard to look like they're local. Some new docs that have come to light show that 95% of the money spent against the ban is from corporations. The rest is from individuals, of which 5-7 actually live in Denton. They tried

Both are terribly unreliable narrators, which is the beautiful part about the book. You can't trust either of them, they're both pretty awful people, and it's pretty hard to side with either one as a result.

It deals with a symptom, not a cause. Violence is caused by instability. Instability in society and economics that is reflected in the instability of personal lives, directly or otherwise.

If the objective is to stop violent, mass shootings, then it's probably best to get closer to the root of the problem, where

I've been arguing that for awhile now. The modern games have been poorly written Tom Clancy fanfiction for years.