HEY. Abstinence only education is very effective. It's like any situation in history where we've used a single, immobile means by which to prevent something from happening.
HEY. Abstinence only education is very effective. It's like any situation in history where we've used a single, immobile means by which to prevent something from happening.
I have to ask this:
If the intent is to show that the teenager isn't of sound mind/capable mind to decide the fate of a fetus, isn't it equally as easy, if not easier, to argue that the same teenager isn't capable of raising a child?
It's basically like that "there's no racism anymore" line. It's BS. It's wrong. It's ignorant. It also absolves actual racists of responsibility for their thoughts and actions.
I hate reading and hearing about stories like this.
"Refuses to wear a headset."
Because you know, communication between the HC and the coordinators and everyone else isn't fucking crucial in a football stadium that's loud as fuck, right?
In my head, Maxx is the most accurate representation of Castle. It's about the only way things can end up for a guy like that. Really, he has no home to go back to. That was lost when his family was killed and it was already distant when he was sent off to war.
Yeah, Castle is, in fact, a very violent individual. He slashed a horrible criminal's stomach open and left him in the cold winter woods. He's thrown people off buildings. I mean, he's about as good as you can be with collateral damage and unintended loss of life.
But truth is, he's so messed up that he can't stop…
It's a tragic flaw and strength of Castle. He's driven to fix everything he can, even if that fix is a lethal one (and many of them are, especially in the Maxx lineup). Sadly, he also knows that whenever he puts one monster down, another will inevitably come up. Sometimes it's worse than the old one, but I figure he'd…
Guy's also got a lot of demons from his military experience. Lots of PTSD-type shit in his head. Worse yet, he's never left being at war.
I remember once saying, "Castle will never stop being the Punisher until he dies. He'll always have the next war to fight. If not a declared war, then one on crime, or war on a…
Cap would likely never be home. Either on assignment for SHIELD or on assignment for the Avengers. It wouldn't even be like military deployments where he'd be gone for months at a time, then come home for a year or something, and then be like, "I did my 4/8/12/whatever and retire." He'd be gone for months at a time,…
Mrs. Apogee is more well endowed than the woman above. She does not have shake like that even when she's without a bra. WTF, man. WTF.
Sega's budget still places the responsibility on their shoulders - as many Sega titles as I've really enjoyed, the company has generally floundered since the Dreamcast died off. Hell, Sega's had serious corporate-level problems that existed at the time of the Saturn.
Their decision to release the Saturn at a higher…
Blaming the gamers seems short-sighted.
I work in marketing/pr/advertising. If I have a project and it doesn't get a good response from my audience, I don't blame them. I ask, "how could we have a better message, how can we have a better incentive, how can we make this more important?" I blame myself and my team. It's…
Marketing. Sega does a horrific job of supporting their western releases. Hell, even the one IP they support in the west - Sonic - is pretty much forgotten about by Sega when they dole out the marketing budget.
It's far, far better than DnD 3.5. Easily better. To me, 3.5 felt like a bad attempt to ape the system used in an MMORPG while taking half of the fun out.
The switch to Pathfinder was easy and really easy to teach new RPers. The fact that Pathfinder's also got really good online support via d20pfsrd site is a huge…
I'd go back to DnD, but after being devoted to Pathfinder for 2 years, it's too hard to go back, I think. It's hard to go back to DnD since Pathfinder's been what DnD was supposed to be and addressed the old complaints I had.
I'm glad it's gotten better, but it's a bit too late if you're already invested in Pathfinder.
That's a lot of work to put into this game. I can live without online co-op.
Celeb beefs are always hilarious to me. It's already hilarious because it's not like it'll ever come to violence (considering all the trash talk). It's even more hilarious because it's almost always about trivial matters that aren't worth talking trash over, much less coming to blows about.
STARS didn't last long enough to really get there. Chief Irons set up all of the RPD to be a hilarious puzzled mess. Wesker also rigged the game so that STARS members would do okay against his BOWs, but they'd end up dead no matter what.
Which is really fucking stupid —- I figure the jackholes who would complain about lower res or frame rate are also the jackholes who would probably never have someone come over for a co-op gaming night.
But shit, I'd love split-screen. I straight-up fucking miss ordering a few pizzas, grabbing beer, and sitting down…