
He is. And I think it's sort of a cop-out on character design, too. I have mixed feelings about this sort of thing.

Nike did this almost 20 years ago in their All Conditions Gear line.

It looks like it got a lot of recycled design elements from the FT-HS, which I'm really happy about.

I don't wanna be that dude, but it could be a matter of tweaks to your PC's various settings or settings to the game, too. Its often not a matter of power of a machine, just how the machine handles a game.

Not really a matter of entitlement, more like those being the key advantages of PC gaming over console gaming. Without those - mods especially, I'll get a console version of a game since I won't have to worry about tweaking inis/GPU settings and whatnot to get a game running. I'm not really one to care so much about

I'll be getting this on PC if two things happen:

1.) Really, really good controller support.
2.) A game build that allows mod community support.

"This Call of Duty requires you to look up."

Yes, this.

Religious freedom is about freedom of assembly and speech. It isn't about reaching into the lives of people of varied belief sets and dictating how their lives work. In fact, that's actually the exact opposite of religious freedom.

Unless of course freedom of religion means, "freedom of MY religion" which

That's what I'm thinking, too. At least partially.

If these people would go into independent practice (ie:without ties to the Catholic church), then it wouldn't bother me. But they're associated with an organization that's dirty from the toes to the scalp. Just because their branch of the church is clean doesn't take

Ironically, one of the main reasons why the game went through such troubled development was that we were understaffed.

That's pretty fucked up.

"Man, this guy needs to be escorted out and his stuff brought to him because he might be a security risk! Mind you this has nothing to do with him being let go during lunch and that our decisions at the highest level are gonna cost people their jobs."

3 fights in 9 years is pretty bad. He's got some serious suppression techniques and somewhere in there, he doesn't feel comfortable voicing his frustrations.

I don't think I would want that man involved in the raising of my child. Don't get me wrong, we all have our ways to vent stress - folks workout, enjoy time with friends, play contact sports, play video games or whatever, but none of this involves actively hurting people.

I think this woman should move and cut contact

I agree - who knows what else this guy is hiding. Worse yet, would stress make him take his stress out on his children?

Good Christ Jesus on the cross, man. This is really horrible. Really, really horrible. This guy doesn't view this people as "real" and thinks that his actions have no impact on their lives, and then thinks that harassing them is okay because "it's his 'me' time."

That's awful. It's even worse that he would rather leave

Hey, those employees can bootstrap their way forward without help from anyone, to include their employers. I mean, why should an employer pay enough so a person can move forward with their lives, right?

All that money and his coat's sleeves are still too damn long.

In an open world title, I'm less concerned with scale than I am with detail. Just Cause 2 was really praised for having such an open expanse of ground, but I always thought it was lacking because there wasn't much to do with it - it was basically a giant movie set. Grand Theft Auto is continuously praised for giving

Your argument about exposition is pretty good - I like it. It's that there's almost no exposition - to the point where it's like they looked at their narrative and said, "we don't need it, it's not like anyone is playing for that anyways," which is really sort of the truth.

I think they took the MMO approach to

This is really cool, but too bad the Dark Souls world is too dead or too close being a dead world for me to really want to explore it. Plus, so little of the game is devoted to exposition which is sort of disappointing. It is a really gorgeous world they've set up, but it's sort of, IDK, shallow?