It is taking a jab at it, but the joke falls flat when this sort of thing has been done with other characters by both DC and Marvel for decades. It's only "cool" now because more people are paying attention to comic book characters.
It is taking a jab at it, but the joke falls flat when this sort of thing has been done with other characters by both DC and Marvel for decades. It's only "cool" now because more people are paying attention to comic book characters.
Aside from the first suit, all of the Iron Man suits have been powered by some sort of renewable or clean energy source. Mind you, the energy in a few cases has been harmful to Stark since he's like an inch from the power source, but AFAIK, the source of power hasn't been harmful to anyone else.
Oh, and Stark's had…
This, along with the nursing home that's designed to allow patients to go through daily living as if they're in a small (but enclosed) town are brilliant solutions. Frankly, if I could ask for it in my last days, I'd like to spend it drinking with friends and family while going about - or trying - to go about things…
It needs:
1.) GIBS.
2.) BOTS.
5.) And if it ends up on a console. SPLIT SCREEN MODE.
But I don't think this network should be surprised. It's not as if the media surrounding the 2008 election wasn't full of rhetoric that promoted this train of extremist thought.
You know, I can follow that. Without an attractive person, his work in his signature style is shite.
But it also proves things are often more about who you know than if you can turn your fucking flash off.
Generally speaking, the only folks I see who are trying to call back chivalry are the radically backwards Christians, and the MRA/neckbeards. Who coincidentally, probably have a great deal in common aside from religious beliefs.
We're not, but it's like having a classroom where only a few kids are loud as fuck - sometimes you just gotta be clear to everyone to get their shit straight.
I'm at the point where I'm almost never gaming online because of that, and because I got sick of the social aspect of gaming dying off. I mean, I like the idea of gaming with my friends who are across the country, or just unable to come over on a given night, but I really, really miss being in someone's house,…
I'd hate to see LAN parties go. I also hate to see couch co-op and VS modes go, too.
Wasnt the whole point to unfollow a man who was being a flaming arsehat in your feed? It wasn't about just arbitrarily unfollowing someone.
It's because the younger set of gamers - especially male ones - really want that
"real" experience, except that a real military shooter title is something closer to ARMA, which very few have the patience for. Basically, they want the hollywood experience of COD's single player and the immediate gratification of the…
Oh, they do. At least one did, with me at the last A-Kon. It wasn't even about what we were talking about (which was Gundam), it was about women.
I was in costume (and nothing revealing, mind you), and I'd been stopped a lot during the event for photos of me and my group. For a bit, I separated to hit the hotel room…
I dealt with this at the last A-Kon. I got called a fake nerd, and not because I didn't properly engage in the topic of conversation at hand (MS Gundam in its various universes). No, it was because I got some attention from some female con-goers for my costume.
Sorry angry guy? I'm sorry that I happened to look good…
"Jocks and the normals."
What is this, 11th grade? Are mad that Cindy Jennings didn't accept our invite to prom? Good lord.
You know a lot of people don't get about birth control and family planning? While they cost money up front, they save us a huge, huge sum of money down the road.
"I'm sorry ma'am, you'll have to just hand over all of your property. Women aren't allowed to own anything. No, not even when they're single."
For me, that was the moment where I swear the characters first thought, "Guys, I think we can actually do this. I think we can put Kefka away."
I "liked" Kefka in that he was the one somewhat successful FF villain. He is however, a flat enemy.
Truth is, I don't think I'd consider the character-based quests in the last half of FFVI to be optional - mainly because it's really, really tough to take out Kefka without getting the whole team back together.
The other actual sidequests for the legendary-tier equipment are exactly that, though.
I don't see the…