
Another great thing about this game is how it suddenly changes face on you in the latter half.

The fact that FFVI gives you 14 characters, then fleshes all of them out, that's a marvel. Most RPGs have trouble with 6-7. FFVI handles 14, and does it in a single title without stretching into sequels. That is a marvel.

FFVI has some unique set pieces that many of its brethren titles, and many RPGs don't have.

That's the beauty of the game. In most RPG titles, your power slowly builds over the course of the game until the point it equals, then overmatches the big end enemy. In FFVI, the party never really gets its footing against the enemy until after it loses big.

The beauty of FFVI is that unlike many RPGs, the good guys lose. And not just lose, but they lose and are subjected to seeing the world their loss created. It'd be one thing if they were all killed, but now they're in a world that may not be worth saving, and the latter portion of the game is the main cast finding

I have to agree with you - what is the woman's role in the altercation? Actually, I want to take the gender out of this altogether -

For damn real.

Shoulda hired a hooker, 'horns.

"What's supposed to be so remarkable about Richardson's signature style is how his otherwise amateur methods, when used to shoot high-profile celebs, create uniquely candid portraits that appear to be at once documentary and aspirational."

I think I was, too.

Hopefully, yeah. Or, just still married to Mrs. Apogee who will still say things like, "you're pretty, get out" just before sex.

I'm gonna be something like Ken Watanabe in 20 years. It'll be awesome.

I don't want to be an asshole to you, but unless you're gonna request this guy's DD214, it's best to back off.

I figure if some LE organizations nail a few swatters and hang them high for it, it should reduce how often it happens. Some asshat that thinks swatting is funny won't think it's funny when they're in jail, fined heavily, or have something life-crushing on their criminal record.

I'm still hacked off that Netflix hack-taped that "Netflix Original" label on this show. It's petty, but I've always been the sort that got ticked off about a distributor branding up something as if they were the actual originator of a given work.


"You keep what little nice shit you had or can get your hands on, because it is a buffer against the deprivation. Most people never get the nice stuff in the first place."

I'm in this weird polyamory thing with two women and I own a dog. Does that count?

Fuck you, Sega.

If only we could not treat businesses as individuals, that would put an end to this whole debate.