
Yeah, America is not “better than Trump”, America IS Trump. Trump is America. He’s been a billionaire celebrity fraudster for 40 years, in a country that loves celebrities, and wealth, and ostentation, and clever hucksters. He is she shitty cream that floats to the top.

I don’t agree with this piece of garbage or his actions (or even know who he is), and I agree that his “apologyis a total non-apology, but being offended is 100% your own choice. The sooner you realize this and choose not to let idiots offended you or get you worked up, the sooner your life will become so much more p

Businesses with a lot of lines for many legitimate reasons. Honestly I kind of hate that my office phone dials out with my direct number because a lot of people know they want to talk to my organization but my direct line is a different exchange so they won’t answer or they have my number as their point of contact but

“A bipartisan coalition of 35 attorneys general signed a formal request ... to do something about all the damn spoofing robocalls ...”

They’re enthusiastic about douchebaggery? 

Meetup to celebrate a movie that celebrates lawlessness. What could go wrong?

“Walker, best known for his role as Brian O’Conner in the Fast and the Furious movies”

“Enthusiasts”, I prefer to call them “douchebags”.

Seriously though. Who even cares.  He was in Cali where it’s legal, barely had one toke and is no more likely to spill classified information than if he downed half a bottle of vodka.

Have you tried never installing the FB app on your device in the first place? That seems to work for a lot of people. Might be worth a try. 

This. Why is the first “answer” always to rush to ban something? Are we really so stupid that we havent figured out it doesnt work? We have an opioid “epidemic” so we pressure the doctors to stop perscribing. Suddenly the demand for street heroin skyrockets and people start dying way more often. So we crack down on

Holy shit zero deaths and 215 counts of nausea from 17 years of recording?? This is an epidemic! It sounds so much more dangerous than alcohol let’s make it schedule 1 RIGHT AWAY!

After reading through the comments and seeing the hatred and vitriol not just toward Trump, Sanders, and people in his administration, It’s also there for anyone who’s supporting Trump and the job he’s doing. Honestly, it’s shocking to see how low the discourse has degenerated.

To be fair, if they are the type of people who are no longer willing to visit my establishment after I kicked out someone who does things like Sarah there...

For now, until we get an FCC that actually works for tax paying US citizens and not Telecom lobbyists, I encourage everyone to vote for your wallet. I switched to T-Mobile from AT&T. And while T-Mobile isn’t perfect either, it’s significantly better than the soulless corporate anus that is AT&T.

I’m from Utah and I absolutely despise our senators and representatives. I vote against these ass-clowns every chance I get. I have even directly contacted their offices via snail mail, email and phone (just saying I’m not just complaining on the Internet) and basically just get the “we hear you but the large

We don’t have capitalism in the US. We have an over-regulated market full of controls and protectionism with a government that’s been bribed into granting monopoly protection for giant corporations. None of which has anything to do with capitalism. That’s all cronyism, and is far more akin to socialism.

And you might want to study up on sarcasm...

You think this is capitalism and the free market?

The government has a lock on what medicines can be sold here. That really cheap Canadian alternative? It’s not allowed to be sold here. If it were, this would never have happened.

You might want to rethink your definition of “Free Market Capitalism.” It’s a stupid

what is your deal with nukes? seriously. its the stupidest argument ever. completely unrelated. nobody in the history of the planet has personally owned a nuke. the materials needed to buy a nuke are ridiculously expensive, you’d pretty much need to be a multimillionaire to even attempt to afford one. 

you reduce mass