
I agree with the fact that yeah, it’s chump change. However, I also agree with the other side, too. Maybe not to the point of suing, but....

It’s $.42. If that’s going to fuck with your entire day, I suggest finding some better priorities. 

And you can’t take children to get spayed or neutered.

I mean, everything you just listed convinced me that having a pet over a child was the right decision.
#Furbabies #FelineChild #Cheaper #LessStress #SelfCleaning

Definitely intentional, they made multiplayer more casual friendly by removing the death count so new players can’t be mocked over chat for their KDR. This is Activision double-dipping by selling the feature back to the hardcore players.

Honestly, sometimes I think it’s just because someone thinks it’ll be funny or they get off on harassing people”

As a software dev and lifelong hardware geek, wtf is a $9,000 laptop? Is it gold-plated?  That’s an absurd amount of money to spend on a laptop for any purpose.

They really think a bomber wouldn’t wash his or her hands after making a bomb? Naw, they just want to terrorize the public, get everyone numbed to living and traveling in a fascist system.


Wow... biased much in the news? Bad journalism 101 and you passed with extra points. Leave your depressive feelings aside and stick to the facts.

Anyone could’ve hit that, and it’s not a pylon it’s a cone in the parking lot of the restaurant. You’re making a mountain out of a mole hill. Someone should take your press pass

I once was at a college sporting event and a family with a few young kids sat down behind me. The kid behind me started kicking the back of my seat hard. When it became apparent after several minutes that his mother, sitting next to him, was not going to stop him, I turned around an politely (and with a smile on my

Yup either that or you’re just looking for a reason to be offended and something to complain about.

That is for the owners/managers of the business to decide.

I once sat in the lobby to a Red Lobster for 30 minutes while a 3-or-4-year-old ran around making noise and climbing on things and swinging a menu around like a sword. The moment he glanced my shoulder with it, I finally had a “fuck this shit” moment, lowered myself to his eye level, and told him he was not entitled

It sounds like her kids were actually well-behaved, she was just being a neurotic, passive-aggressive asshole. Basically she wants a free pass just in case her kids decide to be little shits. Because what do you expect her to do in that situation? Act like a parent?

Or you know, been like “That clearly doesn’t apply to me. I got good children who occasionally act up, but I know what to do in those situations.

To hell with her.

I feel like they could get the same job done for far less money by giving a few college kids some good weed?

I’ve read that most calls to poison control are for substances sold with kratom in them. There are a lot of sketchy drugs sold out there (at head shops and gas stations) that may contain kratom, but from this article I don’t think you can confirm or deny that kratom alone is actually dangerous.  Certainly more study