
It’s a wild ride watching players the same age as you go from “promising rookie” to “journeyman” to “seasoned veteran” to “oldest active player”. 

We Might Have Seen Adam Vinatieri’s Last Kick

Let’s not forget that President Fuckballs was also 70 and clearly in diminishing mental capacity when elected in 2016.

And it does a great job explaining why nobody ever contacts them.

I felt like I was listening to a story from famed stage manager Del Preston in Wayne’s World 2

This read like a article in an anthropological journal about some uncontacted tribe in the Amazon. 

If only the rules allowed the Mets to substitute in Ramos after Syndergaard exits the game, thus providing for increased offense in the later innings and fewer runs allowed earlier.  Such a shame that’s not permitted.   

The only real purpose I have seen for calls of “civility” and “tradition” in the U.S. Congress is when some piece of treasonous garbage like Mitch McConnell is using it to bulldoze the will of the people.

Well as someone who was over voting age in 2016, I have to say I find your proposal tough but fair. 

“The name’s Farts. GlitterbombFarts. Oh that puppy? Yeah, it’s got a hemi. But let’s talk about the important stuff. My cousin once fought a hobo in Daytona Beach over a piece of trash can pizza. That scar there? Got it from falling out of Boo Radley’s apple tree. In ‘Nam. I think you know how you need to cast your

As fucking pathetic as this whole thing has been, it does bring a smile to my face thinking about Trump drawing on the map with a sharpie all while saying to himself “Donald you goddamned brilliant stable genius! No one will ever question the authenticity of this!”

It is illegal to present a falsified National Weather Service report. BUT! I think that only applies when the country follow laws and stuff.

Checkmate, you commie, socialist libtards.

This is the worst issue of Highlights magazine yet. I’m canceling my subscription!

He apparently told cops he pulled his pants down during the WSOP because he had lost a bet.

Just in case the Area 51 raid really does take place on Sept. 20, there are some Groom Lake captives denizens experiments projects that are photosensitive and do not like direct sunlight and will be very, very angry violent adversely affected if some dork throws open the wrong door. This is a precaution to find them it

These are just polls, and those numbers are still way to close for any sort of comfort. The only chance for any of these candidates to make any permanent dent in policy is for an electoral wipe-out, and a running the table of senatorial and congressional campaigns.

...Dental Plan!

Jaime Moyer tried to participate, but when he finished, all he blew was a cloud of dust.