Yes and people killed Sikhs too.
Yes and people killed Sikhs too.
Bring this system to America. One day.
You had me at “construction project,” even before “federal construction project.”
I did not even read this whole post but I love it. Spot on.
He’s from Eastern CT, he probably has a fucking Confederate flag in his garage. (I’m from Eastern CT)
I call your Jets-Cardinals 2012 and raise with Jets-Packers 2010:
You clearly do not understand the paradoxical glory that is Bartolo Colon.
Wondering when the last time a punter recovered a fumble was.
I’m pretty sure this is a far cry from The Butterfly outside of Beloit.
Dear Rex, thank you for making Jerry Thornton even more insufferable on the ride home tonight. I guess I will listen to the cancer screening PSAs on NPR.
Chavez Ravine is a beautiful place to watch a baseball game.
what if you’re a mets fan?
No love for PFTCommenter?
My old man grew up in Southern California as a Dodgers fan. The scenes he describes at the stadium and on game nights when he worked as a jailer for the sheriff’s department in the ‘70s make me think that place has always been a cesspool. But every time you watch a game from there all you hear about is how beautiful…
If it were not for umpires’ judgment how could we whip ourselves into a frothy lather, ridding the pain of being man? Isn’t that the whole point of sports?! Ya, Mets/Jets fan here.
And, you know, you don’t start your slide until you’re in line with the bag. Douche.
You are all over this, God bless you. Posturing for a Deadspin job?
I don’t recall playing baseball in November before 2001.