
Gropes women, blatantly lies, loves Russia...

Markelle Fultz also made a shooting gesture toward fans in Detroit last night.

and linked to a scoreboard that indicates the child’s name.

While his points have merit, I question his motives. Removing all statues from Memphis seems like it’s just a sneaky way to get out of paying Chandler Parson’s contract.

Pictured: The light of Day

63 Earths can fit in Uranus.

Needless flexing of authority, wild overreaction to immigrant, old and miserable.

Lucky Whitehead was actually George W. Bush’s Secret Service code name.

In that Tony Kornheiser is distracted by my form-fitting wardrobe?

This is all just part of a textbook pro wrestling work

I can hear it on the phone now:

This has 60k favs. 95% of those have to be from bots, right?

More proof that hockey doesn’t work in Canada.

Oh, dear... this comment did not turn out well for you at all.

People who voted for Trump should be fucked with spurs.

Jim Edmonds is impressed.

Not only is Pillar a great defender, he does a whole lot of charity work in Toronto. The dude gives back in so many ways: donations, volunteering his time, and leading various initiatives. I guess you could call him an important guy of the community.

expects obvious bad call

Wow what an excellent call. Maybe a bit lucky to get it right, but that player was so out of control that the attempted push applied zero force. He was flying in there on his own. Smart to recognize that by the ref.