
Disagreeing on this assessment as well. Not the best of the season, sure, but still worthwhile! And I thought the J.W. director character was hilarious! Maybe it's just cause (getting pretentious here) I've met plenty of those types in film school and on bullshit shorts in L.A., but I thought it was spot on.

Well thats fantastic and I hope its true! I WANT it to be one continuous shot, I just can't help but look for the cheats to make that epic scene possible.

Pretty sure they hid a cut when he exits the first house, the camera pans up to show the helicopter above them and then comes back down as he breaks into the second house. There is a second that the POV is just on a black sky, which would be easy to hide a cut in. Its only a minute and half maybe into the 6 minute

I too thought the same thing when I first saw it. But then when I thought about it, it is so OBVIOUSLY a shout out to Carrie/The Evil Dead/every typical hand coming out of the ground scene! They even did the same bit earlier when the zombies first come out of the ground! So thinking in that context, its a great gag.