Or lean into it, and hire a director that knows how to set the right tone for the project like they did with Joe Johnston and the first Captain America movie.
Or lean into it, and hire a director that knows how to set the right tone for the project like they did with Joe Johnston and the first Captain America movie.
Pretty much this. And it depresses me that the worst opening ever for Marvel still handily beat the opening of Dungeons and Dragons, which was the best time I’ve had in the theater all year.
And Ant-Man 3 made 215 million domestically so I don’t see how either of those are considered underperforming
You know what’s a shame? I watched it last night and it’s an absolute blast. Definitelt not among best but was really supremely fun, Iman Vellami is a fucking delight, and it includes what might seriously end up being my all time favorite sequence of the whole MCU
*Captains Marvel
A shame really because it is a solid Marvel movie.
I do love a good melancholy ending.
That might have been my favorite hour of filmed Marvel content ever. It was just so wonderful on all levels. And this recap nicely summed up why.
Actually, it is pro-CHOICE, not pro-abortion. I don’t think anyone wants there to be a need for abortions. What we want is the ability to make our own decisions when faced with pregnancy. Please don’t adopt the language of Right to Lifers. That is part of how they sold their snake oil for so long.
So, it should tell you something about the state of the Democratic Party that this man is presently polling ahead of President Biden in key swing states.
My favorite line:
“...a period action drama starring Statham and Dench riding a whale.”
Makes the fact that his first big act is to push for defunding the IRS that much more understandable.
Vote with your wallets people. Don’t see Kill Bill when it comes out.
I still don’t understand how this is in any way legal. As long as the person is of legal age I don’t understand how you can tell someone they can’t cross state lines to do something legal in the other state.
This all started with Newt and his strategy of demonizing his opponents as a way to rile up the base. Fast forward to 2010 when the GOP drummed up anger over the ACA to win at the local/state level and redistrict a ton of formerly competitive seats to be safe, leading to the party primaries being the “real” election…
That’s why I am not getting out of joy out of this chaos (well, beyond the fact that as a US citizen I’d like these elected fuckers to govern). Somehow, it is is always going to be the Dems’ fault, or evidence the system is broken, or anything other than the truth: repubs have shitty ideas and can’t even collectively a…
Nothing tops TORTELVIS