This. I said it in the comments for the other article about this: if you’re connecting to some rando hotspot with a name that’s nothing but a letter salad, you kind of deserve whatever bad things might happen as a result.
This. I said it in the comments for the other article about this: if you’re connecting to some rando hotspot with a name that’s nothing but a letter salad, you kind of deserve whatever bad things might happen as a result.
Yeah, if we lived in a world where both parties had honest disagreements and could come to — and were willing to accept -- compromises to reach at least somewhat 0f a common goal, then Manchin’s position would be more sound. But in an environment were the STATED GOAL of one party is to prevent the other from passing…
Yeah, that possessive on “husband” is doing a LOT of work there. A lonely “ ’s ” is all that’s keeping Vanessa out of a hell marriage with Kevin ;-)
That still doesn’t even come close to $15,000 though lol.
“Drip, drip, drip” + Matt Gaetz = nightmare fuel. Just reading about this guy makes me want to take a shower.
“Parts of the private sector keep dabbling in behaving like a woke parallel government,” McConnell said, according to a report from Bloomberg. “Corporations will invite serious consequences if they become a vehicle for far-left mobs to hijack our country from outside the constitutional order.”
I don’t understand how he spent this much for only 5 days! His family must be massive or something.
On the plus side, the rest of the family went on to enjoy a four-day overbearing-Dad-less vacation of a lifetime!
“[t]hrowing out preclearance when it has worked and is continuing to work to stop discriminatory changes is like throwing away your umbrella in a rainstorm because you are not getting wet.”
Amongst all the other obvious stuff, I’m still trying to wrap my head around how providing free water to people standing in a line can be a crime at all, much less only if they’re waiting to vote. Unless it applies to all instances of people standing in any kind of line? Just stupefying in any case.
Yep. If you’re inheriting a dysfunctional, dismantled system where cruelty is the point, without any kind of transition from the previous administration where you can hit the ground running, it’s going to take while to analyze the current state of things and plan a path forward. Demanding they have all the answers…
When did Commander Data become a cheer mom?
Because the Dems are a bigger tent
[Edited because this is a stupid discussion and upon reflection not worthy of a reply]
Looks like it would take a simple majority to adopt a measure to change the rules, but if it’s filibustered, it would take 60 votes to actually get to a vote. So, yeah, Republicans would have to stick their necks out or not filibuster ...
The Senate can pretty much make up their own rules, so if they want to do a secret vote it’s in their own hands to make that happen.
These fuckers need to go on record defending this bullshit.
Didn’t watch things last time; not going to watch this time. I’d be more interested if the Senators were really going to honestly evaluate the evidence, but they’ve already made up their minds. And so, even though I see the necessity of going through the motions, it’s all political theater at this point, and not…
Yeah, the number proposed by the dems last fall/winter was always $2,000; it was never $2,600 (although that would be nice). If anything happened after the first of the year it was AOC and the like trying to move the goal posts ...