FWIW, I keep mine in my front pocket and have (somehow) pocket-dialed 911 before. Given the input that’s necessary to do that, I’m still mystified how it was accomplished ...
FWIW, I keep mine in my front pocket and have (somehow) pocket-dialed 911 before. Given the input that’s necessary to do that, I’m still mystified how it was accomplished ...
Wait, you actually wanted him to tweet about Cummings?
$69 billion
Just a note that the “address the complaints about the film” bit is pure speculation on the part of the article’s author ...
Meanwhile ...
Ah, thanks for that. I kind of thought it was the military spelling, but I’m now kind of disappointed it wasn’t the other one ;-)
I watched with subtitles, interesting how the group spelled Calvary with a K - Seventh Kalvary.
If they get rid of the screens, does that mean they get rid of the gray boxes hogging-up space under the seats? Because I’d go for that tradeoff ...
Not to mention that pesky slavery thing ...
I can never remember a POTUS bragging about 50%.
It’s subtle, but I’m beginning to think Tulsi doesn’t like Regime Change Wars ...
Just noticed the same — on a desktop here.
Meanwhile, Fox loses the last shred of credibility they may have had ...
Rose is just seeking her 15 of fame.
Races are locked behind reputation now?*
Why would you want to piss off a volcano like that?
Again, this is why handing the Presidency to an eight-year-old is so dangerous: distraction action leads to likely regional chaos and fucking-over allies.
He’s not saying that having an impeachment on your resume would be bad because it says you did something impeachable, he’s saying it would look bad because it shows you got caught doing something impeachable ...