
Well if you ever needed an incentive to torrent lol. Movie and music corps are just so dumb it's actually comical.

@jackdavinci: Well one of the reasons I didn't talk about workouts here is because everyone is different so if you want some more tailored workout then just send a private message. BUT i'll give you a basic starter:

@amlamarra: I don't think it's different. Maybe if that was just a job but in the military it's your life, and your main connection to the world. I could see it if you worked in a government office or something because you can just go home and use the net. Also if you work in an office it's to promote productivity and

Losing weight is not complicated or difficult. People are just lazy, In the last 3 years I've lost 110 lbs. and over 10 inches off my waist. It wasn't magic and I didn't buy anything. Best of all I did it healthy, got a full physical 6 mo. ago with a completely clean bill of health (doc was amazed.)

@strich: Depends on your definition of "strange."

@Go Vols!: Why do you assume just because you don't need it that others won't? You and your laptop situation reflects in absolutely no way how other people use their devices.

YAY I love when the government stops the flow of information to free people!

@Al Iguana: Maybe because the quality of an image doesn't have to be how sharp the the edges are or how vibrant the colors. Instead maybe it has to do with how it makes you feel when you look at it. So many people waste all their time thinking that the best camera and sharpest image is all that matters. IMO, Images

@verditsgerman: Options are not a default feature of ios.

"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."

Where is the Triple Helix?

@bra1nphuk: I think they are talking about computers that you can actually run software on.

Reminds me of my Ex.

@EliteGeek: How do you know what you don't know?

I think if the truth is hard to hear you should stop being offended and maybe do a little introspection.

The Saturday and Sunday before Christmas are actually the biggest shopping days of the year.

@OmegaVader: maybe he was behind because of the wait for the pat down. There have been stories of people waiting an extra 15-20 mins for their pat downs.

@me011a4338: How does that matter? It happened and it wouldn't if TSA didn't suck.

@ohnoitsaspider: As much as I agree with you in some ways. I am absolutely 100% for getting rid of government run corporations like TSA.