
I seen a Goat bleed once so this has to be true!

I believe whats really happening here is she has completely Green, With the grass against the face all the carbon is absorbed instantly. This is clearly the solution to global warming.

@Wrathernaut: If anything it's the companies doing that. They constantly blame loss on pirates or the world or the industry. Though there is the possibility that they are right I believe that it has far more to do with outdated business models.

They say that all the the photo/video storing features are disabled but that wouldn't stop you from just taking a picture of the screen with a phone or anything else.

I love how everyone in the city is out of the loop, kind of makes you wonder who is in the loop?

@jdawg183: Yeah. Also I think a bigger issue is that almost all the apps you use on Facebook know everything you do and say, they also share that info with whomever they choose. I don't know for sure if it's still true but Facebook also owned all the images that you post, they use them for whatever they want. My

@Wrathernaut: It actually doesn't sound anything like that. That was a bad analogy and I don't know what you meant.

What about all the radiation that people get just standing in line near the scanner? At a doctor people have lead suits covering my bits, no one else is even near my lead lined room. In the TSA scanner you're right there getting every dose of radiation that all the people in front of you get, then you have to step

As much as I love nature and would love to see glowing trees, It would really be a bummer if global warming just up and went away, I was really looking forward to my Summer home in northern Canada.

Not that I know what I'm talking about here but I think 2 techs could be used for this in 2 different ways.

Ok so the one company on earth that cares less about your privacy than anything else, is going to offer people mail service? You can't say yes to that and be playing with a full deck.

OMG, multitasking? crazy youngsters! Next thing you know they'll be putting SD cards in there phones!

This is the same reason you get the color effects from the back of CD's and also the precious gems Opals.

@doug.martin: If it makes someone happy and it doesn't hurt anyone then yes IMO it makes it "ok"

@Nathan V: except that tobacco is special taxed because it causes medical problems that cost the government money.

@Master_Soda: Kind of went of on a tangent, trying to make a point about how if you want to sell things they need to make them more convenient.