
@isights: Well if I had a product in a digital format that people were stealing more than buying, I might stop to think about something I could do better. I'd rather sell 5 million copies at $30 then 1 million at $60, which might be possible.

I'm just impressed that the rocking of the boat seems to effect them in no way.

@FrankenPC: In this particular scenario I would say Alcohol is at least as strong with less negative side effects. :)

@Barada_nikto_byotch: first thought for me was what if the end of your cyclops hits the end of the plunger.

@keeblerelf: Yeah it's horrible when people have expectations and aspirations for their children. Now days it's hard to find parents that push their kids to do anything, thats why you still have adults living with their parents after the age of 18.

@drsquirrel: Yeah but I would rather run a cracked version just so I don't have to carry the DVD/CD/BR with me. I won't even by a game that doesn't come out in digital download.

@Skyzorro: My point is, people essentially want to be legit but with prices as they are you make the black market profitable. I'll give you a perfect example: I refused to buy any version of Windows till Windows 7 came out because IMO it was the first time that the price point was ever reasonable, Windows 7 sold a

Maybe if Software companies spent less time and money trying to stop piracy, and just made their software a more reasonable price they would sell more and people would pirate less.

Anything that stops lemmings from flocking to Facebook so they can tell all the other lemmings ever moment of their life makes me happy.

Foxconn was only good for the shock value like all media, it won't matter if they all jumped now, public is over it with their short attention spans.

One thing I thought I would tell everyone about cause it's crazy fun is... Get out that old inflatable mattress that never seems to stay inflated all night and take it to the snow hill with a bunch of friend or invite people at the hill to join you, good way to make new friends.

I hear way to often that things kill sperm, if they do why are there so many kids. Just like if Cell phones cause accidents then why have the rate of accidents gone down since cell phones came out?

I think he used up to much oxygen and created too much carbon dioxide climbing. Besides yes it's wonderful that he can climb but i'm not impressed, tons of people climb much more difficult objects without ropes.

What a bunch of Morons! I think it's a great idea actually just more time for people to get it downloaded from torrents. I suspect a distinct drop in sales of dvd/BR.

@doug.martin: Find one, anyone who has ever died from smoking or ingesting Marijuana alone. Prove me wrong because I'm happy to be better informed if your right. So, find me just one person.

@Auouywonz: I'd go with... All IPhone users are girls.

@doug.martin: Nothing poison about weed, no one in known human history has ever died from it. It's helped millions live better lives.:)

@Nathan V: zillions, just most of them aren't fun. I was just making the point that you can't really distinguish what the user is doing with it so how can you tax some and not others? You might argue that some would be prescription based but that would probably cost more and rarely be used so now you have medical

@akacrash: Medications are drugs. Consider it rationalized.