I'd wait until after this season, then go for it. It's good, well-written space opera. I tried to read everything all at once, and kind of got exhausted after Caliban's War, so I'm not fully caught up myself
I'd wait until after this season, then go for it. It's good, well-written space opera. I tried to read everything all at once, and kind of got exhausted after Caliban's War, so I'm not fully caught up myself
Best 80 minutes of cinema ever!
(The Expanse X Westworld)^(1-TNG "The Hidden Light")/[4(Quark - Mork & Mindy)-(BSG - BSG Original) + cos(Galactica 1980)] = 42
I think the Tom Jane stuff will last more than one episode. Probably two. It's kind of a big deal…
If you really want to know…..
"Dammit, Trump, I'M king of the world!!!!!"
The radio blared out a trumpet fanfare, which meant something important was coming. It was a report from the Floating Fortresses, where a great victory had been won. We were now at war with Mexico. We had always been at war with Mexico. Mexico was paying for a wall. It would happen, you wait and see. Eastasia…
The main thing I got out of this episode was "great, now Fitz has an evil, sentient smartphone."
I've got a sinking feeling that The Superior is going to turn out to be Mace, because that's the easy "twist" to work in here. And I don't want that, because Mace is great and something that this show needed — a decent guy who's a dedicated by-the-book stiff to serve as a mild barrier to the plotline du jour. Don't…
Glen Campbell did a nice cover of it as well.
If you'll accept glockenspiel instead… the Radiohead version of the Rockabye Baby albums is…. unique. Kinda scratches the same itch.
I just assumed that McKone just gave up after seeing the mic-dropping Aja variant.
I definitely think he killed Logan. He couldn't have telegraphed it more — "the company needs someone less impulsive"… i.e. someone who wouldn't drunkenly run off into the wilderness with a bunch of Confederados and get himself killed. Like me, William. Can I call you dad? (Also, Logan's death in the park is the…
#1 is easy — to kill him quicker. Naked = faster to die from exposure. It gets cold out there at night in Moab, and you'll lose water faster when you're nude….
Jimmy Fallon has never met a talented person who wasn't "omygod the best and I'm such a big fan and you're awesome".
He's gonna build a paywall around Starz, and make Starz pay for it!
Hey, I lived in Glendale for a while!
When this was announced, my main thought was "Well, it's Zach Snyder, so the movie will probably suck, but it'll LOOK great…."
- Brian Johnson