
I'd wait until after this season, then go for it. It's good, well-written space opera. I tried to read everything all at once, and kind of got exhausted after Caliban's War, so I'm not fully caught up myself

Best 80 minutes of cinema ever!

(The Expanse X Westworld)^(1-TNG "The Hidden Light")/[4(Quark - Mork & Mindy)-(BSG - BSG Original) + cos(Galactica 1980)] = 42

I think the Tom Jane stuff will last more than one episode. Probably two. It's kind of a big deal…

If you really want to know…..

"Dammit, Trump, I'M king of the world!!!!!"


The radio blared out a trumpet fanfare, which meant something important was coming. It was a report from the Floating Fortresses, where a great victory had been won. We were now at war with Mexico. We had always been at war with Mexico. Mexico was paying for a wall. It would happen, you wait and see. Eastasia

The main thing I got out of this episode was "great, now Fitz has an evil, sentient smartphone."

I've got a sinking feeling that The Superior is going to turn out to be Mace, because that's the easy "twist" to work in here. And I don't want that, because Mace is great and something that this show needed — a decent guy who's a dedicated by-the-book stiff to serve as a mild barrier to the plotline du jour. Don't

Glen Campbell did a nice cover of it as well.

If you'll accept glockenspiel instead… the Radiohead version of the Rockabye Baby albums is…. unique. Kinda scratches the same itch.

I just assumed that McKone just gave up after seeing the mic-dropping Aja variant.

I definitely think he killed Logan. He couldn't have telegraphed it more — "the company needs someone less impulsive"… i.e. someone who wouldn't drunkenly run off into the wilderness with a bunch of Confederados and get himself killed. Like me, William. Can I call you dad? (Also, Logan's death in the park is the

#1 is easy — to kill him quicker. Naked = faster to die from exposure. It gets cold out there at night in Moab, and you'll lose water faster when you're nude….

Jimmy Fallon has never met a talented person who wasn't "omygod the best and I'm such a big fan and you're awesome".

He's gonna build a paywall around Starz, and make Starz pay for it!

Hey, I lived in Glendale for a while!

When this was announced, my main thought was "Well, it's Zach Snyder, so the movie will probably suck, but it'll LOOK great…."

- Brian Johnson