
My impression from the HRH at the Universal Orlando complex is that they nickel & dimed you on EVERYTHING. After charging you a (for the area) premium room rate, too. The rooms and the hotel were nice, at least.

It was two hookers, they were all doing a shitton of blow, and it was totally the greatest rock death possible.

On the other hand, Glover was basically being himself, whereas Gillian was acting….

Jacquel and Ibis need their own spinoff. I could watch Barnes and Obi for hours and hours and hours…..

IMDB has been updating episode totals as eps are aired. Don't rely on them for future appearances right now — at all. Dane Cook and Betty Gilpin, until last night, were only listed as appearing in one and two eps respectively. Both are clearly wrong….

IMDB had Dane Cook as appearing only in Ep 1. Until last night.

I am going to miss the hell out of Bobby Moynihan. Does anyone smell pepper?

They did not. Everyone was getting the same feed (it was the "live coast to coast" thing again), so everyone's feed cut off abruptly after the goodnight from Rock. Combined with the abrupt ending of the high school sketch, it's pretty clear that the show was running long last night, and they had to rush things in

It's almost as if heroin abuse is unhealthy or something.

Work is work.

Who owns the MODOK rights now? I assume he's in-house with Marvel, as he's not Fantastic Four property, right? I got a strong MODOK vibe from Brain-in-the-jar too….

22 eps next season gets them to 110 total episodes, which may be relevant for syndication purposes. That's my guess.

I don't think it will. The previous tie-ins were to… let's call them "central plot thread" films; the direct Avengers storyline. (Winter Soldier was a de facto Avengers film.) Ragnarok does not appear to be fixed in that main line — it looks like it will be a Planet Hulk buddy/road film. I doubt there would be any

Let's wait until Cinemax picks up the show, though.

It's all defined in the licensing deals. Technically, which comic book a given character is in has nothing to do with it, unless the license says it does. With the X-Men, although the text of the deal has never been released, it almost certainly contained a laundry list of what was and wasn't considered part of the

If you lever ived in LA, you'd know that virtually every city in the world looks an awful lot like blocks on Figueroa or Wilshire downtown during a weekend…. The ones that don't look like Sydney or Vancouver, that is. I've learned to just consciously tune it out and/or get a kick out of recognizing places I used to

I was actually wondering if you're through with Sergio….

Or SHE pushed her? Because I assumed the cat was Bast (aka Bastet). Did anyone else think this too?

She's really a comic genius. I've never seen anyone — actor or actress — who was/is so completely, utterly, unabashedly willing to throw herself completely into the comedy, no matter how much it demeans or degrades her. She is an actress who will find every bit of comedy that's on the page and wring it all out of it

Let me guess: you listen to this band that SUPER-indie, only issues songs on vinyl, and refuses to sell out to the man, and we've probably never heard of them….