That one in the background there: Nellis Tower. Not the most beautiful, architecturally speaking, but undeniably one of the coolest tower jobs on the planet. Red Flag/Green Flag provide the most intense launch and recovery scenarios found outside a combat zone. The visiting units come from all over the world. If you…
Not so much for its style (it’s only slightly less ugly than Boston’s City Hall) but Logan Airport’s control tower had, until the ‘90s, a bar and an observation deck. Apparently they were converted to FAA offices, because the FAA likes their view and hates fun.
Wow. You somehow made a neutral article centered around being helpful to readers, and twisted it into a Mac vs. Windows thing.
Wow, you had to work really hard to find things to hate on. I hope they never make Windows completely perfect, you might have to start writing articles about nit-picky things in OSx. What would your little hipster friends say about that?
spoilers if you haven’t finished the game yet, but there is more than one alien on board.
This is one of the guys that learns the map by heart as well as the abilities. Just takes a lot of time.
This is rather worrying. Aston can’t afford another fatality.
Probably more to do with the lack of a Pressurized cabin. No one is going to ask the leader of the free world to wear a Oxygen mask.
Obama isn't allowed to fly on the MV-22s.
Did you miss where he mentioned the Civic?