
Wouldn’t Anna have been paid for her recurring role in the TV show? I’ve read where Jim Boob keeps all his children’s money but surely Josh and Anna were paid separetly. If Josh is away now why not clear out the bank account and leave? Sadly I’ve read where Anna can not be divorced quickly due to their “covenant

Yes unfortunately the Duggar’s are like royalty in the extreme fundie circles! I’m positive her parents knew exactly what kind of guy Josh is and decided that the Duggar name and connection would help ease her suffering; I mean come on she’s got the #1 fundie MIL to mold her into perfect fundie compliance, right? Its

100% accurate! She’s essentially a slave to his sexual needs. I have a feeling he wanted more “un Christian-like” sex and knew he couldn’t approach her about that so he went looking for that kind of relationship.

OK. I’m a former watcher of the Duggars. I’ve always thought of Jim Bob ( Josh’s dad ) as a mini dictator. What I thought was odd while watching the show was that right before Josh and Anna got married he “counseled” Josh on marital life. He actually gave him a book to read about pleasing your wife in bed! Eww.