
I appreciate this good, well thought out list. I still think Avengers: End Game deserves a place on it. I am a huge fan, but even I have to admit: In a lot of ways, End Game doesn’t really work as a movie standing on its own. It goes beyond being the continuation of Infinity War: if you have not been keeping up with

This makes me want to pretend to be Randall’s friend for a year so I can finally trick him into clicking on a pointless article recounting a clearly fake story, heartlessly wasting his time to avenge my own lost 5 minutes.

holy SHIT. Janet’s got that down PERFECT. 

I think Janet Varney deserves it.

The Descent is a legit modern classic.

It was only a matter of time. You can’t see Gunn do the first movie without expecting him to pop back up in the third.

no shit hey. i also really enjoy the ‘no emotional range’ criticisms i’ve seen from fans of uh... *checks notes* batman? fucking batman? the guy who gets sad...and then angry? and then sad again?

So Carol’s a fucking fighter pilot. Hell, she’s a fighter pilot for a test unit.

I’ll caveat this: I’m not a fighter pilot, but I’ve met some at airshows and shit, and while they’ve always been super respectful and humble about certain things, but when it comes to flying, they all have had this “I’m goddamn fucking

I wenr into the movie with hopes for what they’d do with Goose. I was. ot disappointed. :D

Beautifully put.

I’m going to catch a matinee tomorrow. I heard great things about Goose.

Yeah, that's what they want us to think.

“the Patrick Stewart Picard show”

Did you even read the article about what Mortensen said, haha?

i second Dr Bob: Fuck PETA

I read it and I upvoted you. I was exceedingly well done and I agree a lot of what you’re saying. I tend to ‘defend’ Pratt’s right towards beliefs and on other sites (Paijba.com comes to mind) they’ve already tarred and feathered the guy.

I reàd it and was appreciative for it

You are awesome.

you know I cant say this enough but ‘ fuck Peta’ .

Hot take: The Meryl Streep number in “Mary Poppins Returns” was terrible and should have been left on the cutting room floor. Narratively, it also makes no damn sense. They bring the bowl to Meryl to “fix it”, even though the entire point of the previous extended sequence was to fix the bowl. And then the bowl