
Newsroom was conceptually doomed from the start. As opposed to showing a model of what our government could be or exploring what it has to be...retconning a timeline that never happened where the news didn’t completely fuck everything up started as annoying but after Trump it became risible.

Yes, every first-year law student knows that, in Mechagodzilla v. Ginsburg, the Supreme Court held that the Second Amendment bars the government from banning—but does not bar it from regulating--private ownership of 40,000-ton titanium space lizards outfitted with an array of missiles, cannons and energy weapons.

I cannot be convinced that Rick Springfield has anything other than spectacular sex.

“I was just trying to express the joy I get from what people will probably look back and call just a “dumb tv show”.”

I find it interesting that you seem to think you “get” the show more than anyone else. Just a “dumb tv show”? Who is going to say that? The show has almost universal acclaim, the three seasons have

Is it as funny as Lee and Chatman doing interviews here?  Because that'd be good enough for me.  I think they rise to the level of high art.  

TGP has way more ambition than Community. Community never blew up its central premise.  

I was completely unaware of that show. I may vaguely remember hearing about it coming up three years ago. But then I subsequently forgot. 

I’m not sure it replaces Community, but it’s way up there. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Community, and The Good Place are three of the best comedies of the past decade by far. I wish there were more like them. There are a few more really good comedies, but those are the three that for me are wayyyy up there, and it’s nice to

Yeah, Community was My sitcom and I didn’t have another one to call my own until TGP. There is some similar vibe between them for sure....

For what it’s worth, you’ve articulated exactly how I feel about TGP as well.

I respect what you’re saying but I’d argue that having completely cohesive, coherent view with consistent, deep world-building and a compelling ongoing narrative like The Good Place is more difficult and impressive than taking the same actors and characters and doing a different genre and tone each week like

I don’t see how what they said was off-putting, but I agree with them completely so perhaps that’s why. I love sitcoms that make me laugh, but I really love ones that take risks. Community did surprisingly weird things for a half hour sitcom, and The Good Place is doing it too.

I think they were referring to the Ken Burns-style episode in season 3, “Pillows and Blankets.” 

> if you don’t appreciate a show that’s easily the most creative thing I’ve ever seen on network television, you don’t deserve it. And im sure some will say something snarky about how if I think this is the most creative thing I’ve seen on television then blah blah blah.

I feel like without Community there could be no TGP - the concepts at play required a parallel show that somehow defied cancellations and made people lust after it to a mediocre streaming service. Sure, Schurr had Parks and Recs and Brooklyn 9-9 to give him clout, but both didn't have this much delightful absurdity.

great minds with dan harmon was a criminally underrated/underwatched show. the hemingway episode alone is worth watching again and again and again.

harmonquest, it just shot a new season. It’s on vrv.co

I mean yes and no- Community did play around with genre, but there were more than a few episodes in S2 (and even S3) where the focus was still on the gang as Greendale students- Betty White as the Anthropology teacher, the one where Abed joins the gender studies class with the women in the gang etc. And the

One of its crowing achievements is that on a show about an uncaring bureaucratic universe where pretty much everyone is going to hell, it manages to feel very hopeful. The show always sees the best in people, even if the universe they’re in doesn’t.

What was he doing for the History Channel?