Tits Pervert

I mentioned this below, but she doesn't know a thing about Sand People except that they murdered a bunch of innocent farmers, including Anakin's mom, for no reason. Everyone's always so worried about the poor plight of Sand People, but nobody gives a damn about the entire search party that got decimated looking for a

You looked up my number of comments?! I feel so violated! Forgive me for not posting more, but I just remembered my password for some reason tonight. :P

Padme didn't know sh** about SandPeople - that wasn't her planet. All she knew was that they were monsters who killed dozens of innocent farmers, including Anakin's mom, for no reason.

So you're saying that Luke Skywalker's father basically rapes his mother? Or that she willingly has sex with a mass murdering Sith? Sounds like a fun time!

Then your problem is with Luke's age in ANH.

Why would he be? Even in TPM the bad guys had never encountered a Jedi before. And they were part of the government.

Like I said above, he's not a "flying rocket droid", he's a droid who has the limited ability to fly.  And an old, creaky one at that.

R2 is an astromech droid ("astro"="space") so why wouldn't little rockets be included in his swiss-army knife construction?  It's not like he's a flying robot - he's a robot who has the ability to fly for short distances.  I can't think of a single instance in the OT where that limited ability would have been at all

Yes, a space repair robot wouldn't need rockets - in space!  But he would need a lightsaber shooter.  And a periscope - in space!

Seriously?  OK, I'll trade that one in for the buzz saw in ROTJ that cut down the Ewoks' rope net (unless there was a "Carpentry Safety" PSA that I'm forgetting about).

I don't understand why people get so hung up on R2D2 being able to fly in one (or two) movie(s).  Um, hello - R2D2 had a different feature added in each OT film.  In ESB he gained a previously unseen claw that grabbed Yoda, an eye that apparently extended out of his head when he fell into the Degobah swamp, and mist