
Couldn’t agree more. Pretty fucked up when society thinks men getting raped is hilarious. Women getting raped is pretty universally considered a totally fucked up thing to happen, typically with lots of calls for violence against the perpetrator. But a dude gets raped? Naw, let’s everybody laugh about it, guy probably

Now playing

Pretty much all I can think of reading these articles and the comments contained within.

Came here to ask that question. Glad i’m not the only one

But what is life? Who is to say that any life, even an artificial one, has any less worth than another? If the goal of giving life is to create something that will survive our lifespans, then would these machines not be our children; left to survive us after our passing? And it’s only natural for the child to surpass

Factorio is a layer cake of complexity. First time i played it, I probably spent a good 3 hours working my way up to, and trying to figure out steam power for my base. I felt accomplished. I felt proud of what I’d done. Then I looked at the tech tree, saw the intricate recipes and chains of materials that would need

Oh man, that scene in Sidonia gave me goosebumps. I’ve had the whole set for blame! for probably 12 years now, maybe longer, i dunno, forget when they came out. But when I heard Sidonia was getting a series I got my hopes up, and then we got that one scene. Oh man.