Yeah, it’s kind of funny how little it looks like they got compared to what we get every year in Chicago.
Yeah, it’s kind of funny how little it looks like they got compared to what we get every year in Chicago.
Wait....THAT is the vicious apocalyptic snowfall that is paralyzing the eastern seabord?
Us Canadians are just a tougher lot than Americans (except for people that live in Toronto).
Titan really does not have the proportions to pull this off. Everyone else is saying this but the Uncanny Valley principle is in full effect here. I would much rather have seen max museum type figures with realistic proportions that look AS MUCH like the characters in the anime as possible. Not the live action film,…
Seriously how are these not uncanny as fuck?
except they do, freaky as fuck
You’d think Snoop would have the kind of money that he could be member of the PC Master Race.
Have a seat on that couch over there and tell us how you really feel.
Really? Well, sir, thanks for the tip!! I’ll go handle that right now
Really? Well, sir, thanks for the tip!! I’ll go handle that right now
Well you are getting 24 games included with that price. If you also have a PS3 that jumps to 48. If you happen to have a Vita too, that’s 72 games. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Well you are getting 24 games included with that price. If you also have a PS3 that jumps to 48. If you happen to…
Counterpoint: dont mess with someones brand new console before theyve had a chance to use it.
kind of a shitty logical fallacy you’re making. life is dangerous. i can make a logical fallacy too!!! farmers need to stop farming because of how dangerous their job is. nothing is worth the life of a person. NOTHING!!
so are you, thats a SNES
The irony of a writer slamming a publisher for wanting to approve content on a site where every comment needs to be approved.