Eh, it’s a nice sign, but I’m more amused by the woman cosplaying as Captain Picard.
Eh, it’s a nice sign, but I’m more amused by the woman cosplaying as Captain Picard.
Every time I see “USMNT”, I think “United States Mutant Ninja Turtles.”
Yeah, the second it came out that there was a Batman’s parents scene in this movie, I knew it was going to suck on toast.
There are no problems with this show that hiring seven or eight more hosts wouldn’t solve. Brian Johnson needs a job! You can get him. And IBM’s Watson could review automated cars. And Dame Judy Dench could cover mudbogging.
That is one stylish garden hose that kid is wearing.
Crow T Robot reportedly heading to the scene to render assistance and/or supportive cuddling as the situation requires.
When I sold my Chevette, it had a mighty zero hp and had to be hauled away to the scrapyard. I came out $5 up in the deal!
I’m not taking dead hookers on vacation, Bob.
Do I even want to know what’s happening in that picture or where the rest of that guy’s gigantic hand is?
I think Air France has some ‘splainin to do if a Hellfire missile was loaded on one of their planes going anywhere, not just Cuba. I mean, those things are at least as dangerous as having 4 oz. of liquid.
He didn’t spend enough time on it, but I think the essential point is that real car companies like Toyota are already making better hydrogen cars.
After a 15 minute review the call on the field was upheld but the next day a VP with the league declared it wasn’t a catch just to be an a-hole. Oh, wait, I was thinking of the NFL.
But... but... (sobs over screenplay of Gigli II: Electric Gigaloo)
Yeah, Doob needs to reconnoiter his derision.
Someone queue up the “Too Many Cooks” song...
OK, someone get a Kickstarter going. For $10, you get a “I own Jackie Collins’ house” bumper sticker. For $25, you get a t-shirt with that picture behind her on it.
There’s a lot of spare storage space in the Pyramids.
What the Hell happened to Patino?! He looks like someone wearing a bad Rick Patino mask.
She’ll bring her own microphone!