
So, why did you put a picture of Lech Walesa here?

Personally, I'm all for thanking the Patriots. First, and foremost, we are going to enjoy a solid two weeks of ball-related puns all over the place. It's comedy gold! Second, there will actually be something to talk about for the two-week playoff void other than what kind of tree Russell Wilson would be if a woodchuck

I wish a hologram of my brother George was here.

Yes, but this just distracting us from the real news here. Namely, that the hot look for ladies in 2015 is see-through mesh kilts with blinged-out sporrans.

Yeah, and A&E has decided to give Jenny McCarthy yet another TV show.

Has it been announced who gets custody of Johnny Depp yet?

Ha ha ha! The Morgan Three Wheeler.

Get yourself a couple of these and Tara Reid and you're ready to make a terrible movie for the SyFy channel.

Potato filling is the stuff of the gods. Homer noise.

When I see the term "lumbersexual" I don't think of fashion. I think of people ready to get tied up with some knotty pine. Someone ready to go down on a slippery elm. Someone always ready for a shagbark hickory. Some call them firries, some think they're a bit quercus, but, really who doesn't like a nice piece of ash?

Arm-Fall-Off Boy > Matter-Eater Lad.

Wouldn't it be more practical to create a windowless plane that had screens that looked like windows instead of gigantic screens over entire cabin surface?

I was stunned when I went into the store the other day and saw the sheer volume of pumpkin beers. It wasn't long ago that there would be only one or two oddballs out there now everyone and their grandma is making one! There are huge displays of dozens different kinds!

From the makers of Penn and Teller's Desert Bus...

So, if Simmons is Courtney Cox, does that make ESPN David Arquette?

They'll only stop doing it if it stops working. Vote with your wallets, folks.

There are three of them... possible Top Gear sighting?

I don't get why it has dog ears and the brown on the nose. It's a selfie of the kid wearing a half-assed dog costume? Seems like that's something you'd end up having to explain at every other house.

Gardening! Swimming! Playing basketball! In board meetings! Even men can wear tiaras! Tiaras for everyone! And if you act now, you'll get not one, but TWO tiaras for a mere $625 (you must pay separate shipping and handling)(which is another $625).

Who knew Louis Farrakhan was now working in local government in Argentina?