
We choose to play music using code. We choose to use code in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are

Glorious Netflix is mostly Java. We use a lot of their OSS at my work.

they killed it in testing after sitting behind a car equipped with said light at an exceptionally long traffic light.

You kind of glossed over that they in general were not nearly as decent as other tech companies to the employees. They treated them, the employees, not as assets, but more like cattle. They didn’t go after the best, let go of the better ones to cut costs, and under current leadership, gutted the rest of the best by

“They found grain in there too, right?”

Are we responsible for the oft repeated lies? Are we responsible for using the only real choice when it came to fueling our vehicles? Are we responsible the profits used to strong arm their way through their competition, but buying legislation in their favor?

“Don’t think different - think same.

I think you mean D.O.O.P. - The Democratic Order of Planets.

You sure do live up to your name...

I did my time too, and there’s nothing over there that’s worth putting a single American serviceman at risk. Let someone else fight over that shithole.

So, here’s guessing they are not gonna add the port wine stain birthmark on her face. At all.

All the more reason the 18-month “Credit Monitoring” offer is an absolute fucking insult. Those of us affected deserve a fuck ton more than that, you lazy shits.

What’s an ATM Machine? Is it anything like a PIN Number?

This is crazy! IBM is still innovating??

Pretty easy when you lower standards significantly.


Sh-sh-should have never been illegal. So who cares.

I see what you did there...