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    They can't enjoy sex since they can't produce ANY of the normal human hormones and chemicals related to sexual pleasure. For all you women who deep down derive your sexual success from how you are experienced over WHAT YOU experience... hah eat a big bloated with someone elses blood vampire dick. Then get aids from

    As an older gamer I did the reverse, the PSP was more mobile and the games promised a simpler format so I went to portable all the time.

    If you played Lineage II at launch, you got to experience massive interguild group movements to "Kill the chinese guys"

    those ladies need to drink

    Its gotta have a universal 8.0 (or equiv) across the board if I'm gonna put money down on it.

    one on left has mustache


    I'd totally wear that tie shirt combo if i was in fear of being fired.

    how did i miss this show?!?

    I'm depending on those smart assholes to make other retarded scientific discoveries to further perpetuate the "dumb is good" culture we experience esp, in adolescence

    Good example of sexism towards men! Passing this one off to my buddy B4 his women's studies class. Oh and the Humboldt State, Jack Nicholson fan boy club is coming for you Jez.

    You count models. We steals the diamonds. Lolz on you.