Haha I love it when armchair experts make statements like these, since I get a hearty chuckle out of it.
Haha I love it when armchair experts make statements like these, since I get a hearty chuckle out of it.
African American Vernacular English (AAVE) is actually accepted as a separate dialect now, with its own grammar and some words like “finna” which you will not find in traditional English.
I am guessing "crab walking" is not the same as trying to get the tightest turning radius? Shouldn't the front and rear wheels point in the opposite directions as on this Prelude to minimize the turning radius?
Budget SCG 003? Expanding on what Jason said in the article, you would be able to buy the entire rear subframe aftermarket. This could even have a new engine bolted to it, apart from all the suspension mods.
I have been thinking of buying a hooklift to start a business transporting exotics or super rare old cars all over the country. I would get to see (and sometimes hopefully drive) the most awesome cars in the world for my job.
http://www.daimler-indiacv.com/fuso-canter.ht…Not sure if it is true for all over the world, but in India the word Canter refers to an entire class of small trucks like these:
Do you always only use periods where they are not necessary? Jeez, that comment was hard to read.
Is it +5S worthy?
Really? Even after everyone has pointed out the flaws in your argument, you are still going on about how everything was better in the past? You said wind tunnels are useless and spoilers are needed on every DD: these statements are basically as far away as you can get from the truth. So basically car makers are…
Payoffs? I am guessing weight reductions, improved strength, comfort and efficiency, and longer service lives among others.
Why stop at that? I am sure there is someone out there who can get a Golf to 1200hp for even cheaper. Who cares about factory warranty, reliability, drivability, prestige, control and a host of other factors? Maybe a Polo would be even better. They also used to have something called a Gol, not sure if it still exists.
Sure, just like the BMW i8 is the coupe version of the Mini.
This is my new wallpaper, replacing a sr-71 on afterburner.
Every time I see a picture of Torch, my mind immediately thinks CHARLIE KELLY.
I don't think you have ever commented on anything other than a) an Accord V6 being faster than some car, mainly ones that are pretty old but were considered "high-performance" back in the day or b) motherfuckin SAE power ratings. We get it, you know how horsepower is measured, and also how it once was. Please open…
Who the fuck is recommending his posts? Are there really that many racist bigots on Jalopnik?
Someone belonging to a culture I have no idea about does not have the exact same tastes as me. He must be stupid.
Your mom has a 94 viper?