
“It may not be good for America, but it’s damn good for CBS. Man, who would have expected the ride we’re all having right now? ... The money’s rolling in and this is fun. Donald’s place in this election is a good thing. I’ve never seen anything like this, and this going to be a very good year for us. Sorry. It’s a

The network coverage of the convention tonight is pretty disgusting. Goddamn ABC (so not even Fox or something) is fawning all over him, asking their reporter who talked to him about him in hushed, reverential tones, as though he’s not still an evil disgusting menace to the world.

The fact that a difference in power prevents real consent applies to everyone. It’s not really an issue unless you are an asshole.

Yes, what Electric Danette Sheep said!

Would Love to see “Slip Slidin Away” by Paul Simon covered, A lot of great bands could crush that.

There you go relying on conspiracies again. AS I SAID ALREADY and you don’t want to accept, he was apologizing for that shit YEARS before any public outcry. BECUASE HE KNOWS HE DID NOT GET CONSENT AND DID SOME MORALLY BAD SHIT.

man’s been reduced to selling out arenas and winning Grammys

No, mocking murdered children isn’t cool. I’m not sure who was arguing it WAS cool.

If you genuinely think that I was arguing that it’s justified or okay for people to call victims liars because Louis CK’s essay was criticized, then I’m sorry I didn’t state my point well enough.

You don’t have to be a mind reader to understand when you have power over someone.

Yeah , to be fair unfunny was a bit strong...but he’s still a wanker.

Not quite unfunny, but “occasionally amusing” does not warrant the level of ardor he’s received.

it’s not consent if your victims just assumed you were doing a bit cuz they’re not “mind readers” either and only interacted with you as a “funny guy” before tho

Without speaking to his misdeeds or his apology, his return material just wasn’t very good.

It’s not really murky unless you are an asshole and guess what? That’s exactly what you are.

What we want are people who understand from the get go what he appears to understand now - that when you have power over people, it’s not really as optional as it might seem. No different standards required but honesty is

Yeah. :/

Despite his MONUMENTAL terroristic/predator behavior, I kinda hoped that his intelligence and self-awareness would win out, and he would somehow come out of this (with the acknowledgement and consent of his victims) more matured and grown on the other side.

Why is this abhorrent shitheel ungreyed?

No secret the US has a problem with women, so shouldn’t be surprising this doco doesn’t do them justice either.

Maybe you should write your own reviews then, happywinks.

Insert Norm Macdonald clip about how he disagreed with Patton Oswalt that Cosby’s hypocrisy was the worst part, but that instead it was all the rape.