
“Saturday morning cartoons....for adults”

No, the other person is right, and it’s not surprising you can’t acknowledge it. You started your comment with “that’s a you thing”, falsely implying the other poster’s opinion is less representative than yours, and when you got justified pushback for it you dishonestly shifted the goalposts to pretending you merely

Pro-tip: the people who tend to dissect and deny the claims of potential victims in order to protect celebrities ARE USUALLY THE SAME PEOPLE. The fact you didn’t notice that this happens in every single thread regardless of gender is probably a red flag for your confirmation bias.

Did you respond to yourself?  Maybe you forgot to log into one of your other toxic alts?

Poor Bridget Fonda.

“Saturday morning cartoons ... for adults.

Thank you for this. You have crystalized a complex feeling of displeasure I’ve been experiencing into a succinct phrase I will be using in all of my future convos on the topic. For real though, I do feel like the modern streaming offerings are an insult to my intelligence.

It’s almost like the demand for content doesn’t magically grow just because that would be nice for some company’s bottom line.

It’s genuinely mysterious to me why streaming companies that have spent significant amounts of money making movies (Netflix spent ~$166m on Rebel Moon) they don’t put those in theaters first with the promise that the only place you will be able to watch it once it leaves theaters is on their streaming service.

Executives and senior “leadership” in every industry are largely a bunch of incompetent sociopaths and morons. NONE of them “earn” their exorbitant pay and perks through competence and capable leadership.

She’s going to host a goodbye party for Ellen that Ellen will later deny being invited to.

She can hang out with Jerry Seinfeld, and they can bitch about wokeness together.

Agreed, mostly. I generally like Burr and like to think he thinks the more wildly right-wing shit he says is silly, but it’s hard to tell sometimes. And it definitely appeals to the worst red-pilled choady dickbags who think he’s one of them. Which, if people like that were a fan of my work, I’d have to take a good

I find some of his guests funny.  Not “haha” funny but “How can anyone this stupid actually exist” funny.  

Are we talking funny peculiar or funny ha-ha?

I wish I could return to those pre-Covid days before I’d ever heard of this fucknut. 

“What is the DEAL with being clocked in the fucking FAAAA-CE?”

Show me on the doll where the women won’t touch you.

I’m totally done with every angry white male comedian. Lewis Black is okay but the rest fucking suck. I especially hate Bill Burr and his whole two-faced “I’m going to claim I’m liberal/progressive but I’m also going to say wildly conservative shit all the fucking time” shtick. He did a live episode on Conan’s podcast

I think it’s less “they shouldn’t allow him to say those (woke) things!” and more “Netflix/Spotify shouldn’t be paying a man money who’s platforming Alex Jones and has been broadcasting demonstrably false and harmful antivax info for years”.

Huh? What next, Jerry Seinfeld fighting in an MMA match?