
And continuing that harm by saying she doesn't diet or work out. 

Not only is it disgusting, but I think the midterms showed that there’s not really much political benefit to degrading trans people and others in the LGBTQ+ community. So it really is just pure shittiness with these folks (and shame on any ostensible liberal who continues with the “maybe we are moving too fast on

fuck right off with this bullshit

Wow, in one comment you’ve managed to insult the WNBA as well as every piece of entertainment in which men are not the focus. Not to mention the condescension towards women in general. Very cool and chill behaviour.

Yes, she was. Keep herself out of it, but she decided it was a better look to stick up for a known, proven piece of shit.

Headline writer to editor: “I’m going with jerk store! Jerk store is the line! Jerkstore!”

Oh yeah? Well the jerk store is running out of you!

But their payroll team is gone, so that will be interesting to watch. 

I love this. I have been gleefully watching the FTX fallout, and I love adding the Tom/Giselle break up to the narrative. My head cannon is now going to also include that Giselle didn’t want to do the FTX sponsorship, but Tom talked her into it and maybe invested more than she wanted to into the venture. If they got

Yeah, Candace! Don't back down! If tolerant people aren't tolerant of my intolerance, well, they're not really tolerant, are they? Yeah! I am very intelligent! 

This is exactly right. These were the intended consequences. At the moment of fertilization, that egg has more rights than the women carrying it. Even if it endangers her life. Even if it means she becomes sterile.

They don’t care. She’s not a person to them. 

Look, I’m forward-thinking - I accept that people like her didn’t choose to celebrate christmas, and that they were just born that way. What I don’t understand is why they just have to be so flamboyant about it. Like, can’t you do your christmas stuff behind closed doors, and not throw it in all of our faces? I’m

VolunteerAtheistProofreader here:

I would say this is a fully intended consequence. You can’t know about a consequence, keep the law the same, and say Oops! Who knew that would happen! But to reiterate the comment below, lunatic “Christians” do not care about women. 

Who cares?! Its all the perceived rantings of an invisible sky wizard percolated through the self serving texts of an ancient king anyhoo...

Don’t even get me started on Lincoln’s birthday...

Sorry, Christmas isn’t “comforting” and “merry” for me, ever since my dad dressed up as Santa Claus and broke his neck climbing down our chimney. So thanks, Cameron, for the reminder!!!

Yea, I’d always double-bag it for that reason. Hole in one is fine, hole in both is not.

But check the bottom of the bags. Seems like most of them develop at least one or two holes in them.