
She’s never heard of adoption?………..

I’m no fan of Zuck or Meta, but let’s not be alarmist here. They are in no way “fucked.”

Feels quite a bit like the chickens coming home to roost for white supremacist female voters: “Punish the others, yes? Don’t punish me. I like having you around to hurt them, the cruelty is delicious and funny...but just don’t pass the law that punishes me specifically.”

that is a fault of the Democratic Party. they do a poor job of associating Republican politicians with poor positions on topics that people care about.

Agreed, taking responsibility as a multibillionaire does not look like this... He should be ashamed of himself because this does more than just hurt the 11,000 people he basically fucked over.

The plan is simple.

If increasing police funding stopped crime we’d see no crime since all the US does up until now is give more and more money to police. 

He’s the controlling shareholder — the only way he can ever take responsibility is by losing money. Him resigning wouldn’t change the fact that he retains de facto control of the company. Facebook is Zuck’s toy to screw up or not, and everyone who works there should be crystal clear that they are placing their

I remember you. Yeah, fuck off.

Not when most other tech companies are also laying people off and putting hiring freezes in place, including all the big dogs. Even if we aren’t technically in recession, tech companies are acting like we are. These people are fucked because Zuck is a selfish moron.

But if we could just get those poor cops one more surplus troop tank, crime would be solved!

“I got this wrong, and I take responsibility for that.””

No, Mark, you are making 11,000 other people take responsibility for that. You are taking no responsibility.

Fuck off.

Your story on this site is ever evolving. It's interesting how ever single problem that afflicts a single person in the nation is a problem you personally have. It's almost as if you're not actually who you say you are. 

There is no liberal media bias. The media bias is firmly to the right. They are allowed to control the narrative. I did not believe the “red wave” predictions. Anxiety about the economy has always been present and will always be the leading issue in polls whether the GOP or Dems are in power. This was the first time

I wish Democrats had performed better, and think they could have if they had been able to overcome their Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema problem to help more people (obligatory dig at Dems). But I think this result shows how badly out of touch Republicans have become. Fox News is always on at the gym, and I’m amazed at

No, you’re a piece of shit because you amputated a cats claws because you’re too much of a lazy piece of shit to train them or use any of the methods in this article. This isn’t about opinions or disagreements, you did something that every responsible vet thinks is barbaric and cruel. That’s not an opinion it’s a

This is reductive and harmful. Cats shouldn’t be declawed period. Unrelated there are many cats that need adoption. If you went to an orphanage only wanting a paraplegic child, you wouldn’t be advocating for cutting the arms off of little Suzy no family, citing that otherwise she may not be adopted...

Musk tweeted a meme of a Nazi soldier on Monday, though in fairness, he always just steals memes and likely had no idea it was a Nazi.

Wasn’t expecting the “declaw the cat!” crowd in here. Though where I am, there are 0 vets that will declaw a cat. It’s illegal.