a pet at my side god in the sky


Can’t wait for Ted Cruz’s “trying too hard to be relevant and cool” response to Linklater’s ad: “Looks like Mr. Linklater was feeling a little dazed and confused when he made his latest ad, am I right folks?” 

I agree, but then as she’s rightly berating him.. he will use it as provocation to say “the dems are attacking me” and “see, these women are using their power to abuse us” So its a matter of feeding the beast, or taking the hit for now.

Mansplaining alert. As other people have tried to explain to you, women are in a no-win situation in scenarios like these. If she responds in kind, she gets portrated as a ~hysterical out of control harridan, and she knows it.

Are you for real? Where have you been lately? If the actual video of this actually happening isn’t enough to change someone’s mind (and it isn’t, if we’re talking about any Republican), calling out her shitty opponent isn’t going to have any effect but a negative one. She said what she had to say. Respect that and let

I’m not that bothered by her response. It’s worthwhile to be realistic and flexible about what being strong and fighting back means—and how safe/prudent individuals feel it is in certain circumstances. There’s no one way to do that. And it doesn’t make people weak to brush off other people’s nonsense and get back to

It was disappointing to be on the receiving end of such disrespectful behavior from my current representative, but ultimately I’m focused on my campaign

Kanye West doesn’t care about black people.


Wow, Banksy finally got past his angsty high school art phase and made something actually provocative.

My dear Hannah, what you are protected by is the magic forcefield of youth. Which is fleeting. Wash your goddamn face before you go to bed.

I was watching this video about a drinking game called “two girls one cup” the other day, where two girls drink from a cup and I was reminded of the old drinking games we used to play in high school, like:

Unless her attacker is running for office or is nominated for a Supreme Court seat, his name shouldn’t matter. What matters is that your wife gets the support she needs from you and everyone else around her.

its an Orange Alert.

“I was Ms. Swetnick’s garbage collector for three days in the summer of 1997 and she never mentioned being raped or Brett Kavanaugh to me!”

Um, I think these old white guys know a little bit more about the emotions that female victims of sexual assault go through than the actual victims, thank you very much.

Hopefully someone buys them a V-05 Hot Oil Treatment twin pack as a wedding gift.

So....body shaming is ok if it’s a man with very public addiction issues seemingly trying to get healthy??

Not only does cutting out booze dramatically reduce your caloric intake, you suddenly have to find something to do to distract yourself. Pumping iron seems healthier than commenting on the internet...

Shut up.