
Kinda wish hipsters didn't grow beards so I could wear my bear without being labeled a hipster... /proud Canadian

Beads. Ain't falling for that again.

Go put you non-vaccinated child next to a kid with TB, polio, meningitis, MMR, DTP, the flu, chicken pox... the list goes on... also let's have an immunized child in there just for fun.

Thanks I was getting bored at work.

Go back and read the chart, because I don't think you know what it means.


If you don't understand the difference between the objective, absolutely undeniable fact that vaccines have prevented tens of millions of deaths and crippling diseases, and the debate over whether ADHD is over-diagnosed and/or over-medicated, then I better understand why you're an Alex Jones fan.

LINK ME to a reputable study that supports your opinion. Find a citation and stop being intellectually lazy, or stop voicing opinions that aren't based on facts.

did you get your Polio , Rubella , Whooping cough and measles vaccine?

I work down the hall from a Nobel laureate. He is vaccinated, his (brilliant) adult children are vaccinated, and their young grandchildren are all vaccinated. All happy, healthy, and measles-free. Go read about the hygiene hypothesis before you ruin your child's life.

So... hold on, let me get this straight. Because I actually watched this.

Bill Gates is a eugenicist? And his father was a eugenicist because he worked for planned parenthood? Gates was referring, in his quoted clip, to how childbearing rates decline in nations as prosperity rises.

Sorry man. There is no conspiracy. The

Oh, dear. Do you really not understand that just because your child is healthy now (and hopefully remains so) it doesn't mean that you aren't endangering his health seriously?

I feel sorry for your children.

I live in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. My friends just had a kid about 7 weeks ago. Their pediatrician is dealing with outbreaks (small ones- 7-12 kids) coming down with tuberculosis. This is in America. In 2014. In one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the country.

She appears to be largely responsible for the resurgence of measles and mumps in the US. Should be tried in a court of law.

You are a terrible parent. You are risking your childs life and the lives of other children to prove you are smarter than the rest of us. You are also, therefore, a terrible person. You have Zero science on your side, just your personal prejudices. I am sorry to be so blunt but someone needed to tell you. And I HATE

She lives a few blocks from me where she pretends to be a hands-on mother, but instead has an army of nannies in tow....I'll let her know how you feel....

The damage has already been done....it's going to take years and/or a major health scare to undo the damage the likes of the Wakefields, McCarthys, and Facebook moms (with their incessant posts about the latest pseudo-scientific study started by some idiot blogger.) have done to medical science....

Nothing angers me more that people who take medical advice from Jenny McCarthy. She is an idiot, and a dangerous one at that.