
Middle age women getting neck tattoos? Yes, definitely cult shit.

Oh. Appearently you are correct. I apologise.

Great reporting, Dave. You worked harder than the subjects of your article.

Two different countries.

Honestly, anything that puts a fine point on how ridiculously fraudulent the entire "Olympic movement" has become is fine by me. They aren't a blip in the system, they're a by-product of an obtuse corrupt and just plain weird system.

We may not approve of the methods they used to get there, but hey, in the end all that matters is that they can put Olympic Halfpipe Champion on their resumes.

Am I being detained?
Am I free to go?
Am I under arrest?
I would like to invoke my right to be silent.

From the above:

We'll definitely meet those group of guys again because of Jeff Kober. From Sons of Anarchy. And he's just an all around popular character villain actor.

I'm excited by someone who isn't completely damaged

So would this guy.

We were fucked extra hard when corrupt state legislatures started making it illegal for municipalities to build out their own fiber networks.

Its the land of opportunity, to fuck people over.

I see the problem more as being one of lack of competition in the broadband market.

We were fucked as soon as municipalities gave cable companies oligopolies. This fucking was just assured even more when Net neutrality rules were shot down in court.

Does the word "hipster" even mean anything anymore?

Has ANYONE realized that the tyrannical leaders of our time are pretty much what we consider supervillans from various comics and movies? Rich, huge car collections (this one even more so, being black and including bullet proof luxury trucks), HUGE lairs that they live in, a full military at their command, weapons of