
Hmmm, the Destiny weapons loadout screen seems different somehow?

The Gentleman's Rules For Murdercave

I wonder if they were all dead refurbs.....


Only one arrow?

Why didn't he just name it Colossouls instead?

Now playing

There's a creepypasta reading about it too.

I wish I had wings...

A real Tortoise and Hare finish, or in this case, Gorilla and and Flatulant Freak of Nature with Surprisingly Good Teeth.

I like Mario Kart, but it seems weird that people get so into it that they feel the need to taunt people.

Selecting King of Pop grants the user +19 dexterity, but also +14 infamy.

Bless him. *salutes*

Such characters include Falx Carius, a valiant knight from Morrowind who comes back as a confused (and evil) not-quite-zombie in Skyrim expansion Dragonborn, a Dark Brotherhood member named Lucien who appears as an assassin in Oblivion and then—two centuries later—as a spectral ally you can summon in Skyrim, and Jiub,

I remember hearing as a kid that you could get Yoshi in the game. I heard a few variants of the steps that needed to be done to obtain him. Some involved removing the cart mid-play during certain pokemon evolutions, some involved trading specific pokemon back and forth, and I remember one version required you to shake

That would actually have been useful a little over 14 years ago!