The Gentleman's Rules For Murdercave
I wonder if they were all dead refurbs.....
Remember that golden PS1 that was given out as a VIP gift at E3? A Kotaku reader managed to get one of his own, and…
Why didn't he just name it Colossouls instead?
Titan Souls might be a little too on the nose as a name, but when your biggest influences appear to be Shadow of the…
There's a creepypasta reading about it too.
It was only a mod, they said. What could possibly be scary about a mod?
Fun fact: Nic Cage's face can improve everything—including, yes, Halo. Just don't expect things to feel as dramatic…
A real Tortoise and Hare finish, or in this case, Gorilla and and Flatulant Freak of Nature with Surprisingly Good Teeth.
I like Mario Kart, but it seems weird that people get so into it that they feel the need to taunt people.
Despite its loyal fanbase, Digimon has long played second fiddle to Pokémon. Tired of having all their digital…
Selecting King of Pop grants the user +19 dexterity, but also +14 infamy.
Bless him. *salutes*
Such characters include Falx Carius, a valiant knight from Morrowind who comes back as a confused (and evil) not-quite-zombie in Skyrim expansion Dragonborn, a Dark Brotherhood member named Lucien who appears as an assassin in Oblivion and then—two centuries later—as a spectral ally you can summon in Skyrim, and Jiub,…
I remember hearing as a kid that you could get Yoshi in the game. I heard a few variants of the steps that needed to be done to obtain him. Some involved removing the cart mid-play during certain pokemon evolutions, some involved trading specific pokemon back and forth, and I remember one version required you to shake…
That would actually have been useful a little over 14 years ago!