
And I think that most of us, if we had the choice, would have done what Chris’s character do. We’re lying to ourselves if we’re saying that we won’t.

Wake up the person that can fix the sleeping pods... not the hot chick.

Right off the bat, they just don’t get it. He’s not a hero.

Yeah, the problem isn’t the premise. It could have made for a great story, although one a bit darker than what we got. The problem is the filmmakers don’t have the guts to explore the real consequences of Pratt’s actions. They wanted to make a rom-com when the “twist” calls for a psychological drama.  

Right? Oh, am I an intellectual elitist because I like facts? Well, so be it then.

I don’t know about exhausted, but I was definitely tired of hearing the player character say all of her thoughts out loud. I do not like this current industry trend of super chatty protagonists.

This is awful. Hope they go to jail for a long time.

Mike you’re on of my favorite writers here and I hope you’ll be ok. Would love to see you at someplace like Polygon.

Add making me side with Fox News to the reasons I hate Donald Trump.

Hogan fandom aside, it pisses me off that I’m probably gonna lose a lot of the content I love at io9 and Kotaku because Gawker made a stupid fucking decision.

It was a casualty of the first round of layoffs. Nick Denton’s orders.

Can we still riot if I bring back the beard?

When Daulerio said ‘anyone over four years old is fair game’, it probably cinched it with quite a few of the jurors.

Denton and Daulerio didn’t do themselves any favors acting like jackasses in court. I can’t believe they picked a Hulk Hogan sex tape as their hill to die on. The loss is completely deserved.

But we’re having fun

The Commissioner can’t be thrilled with these:

John Scott should have held the cheque a little higher.

I also appreciated him burning Roenick in the mid game interview.

My neighbors are vehement protestors. Did they help during my high risk pregnancy? Nope. Take my poor kids to the park to run when I couldn't? Cook a meal?? BIG NO. Did my pro choice neighbor come take out my garbage and rough house with my boys and do my dishes? YES.